
水素化物(水素を豊富に含む化合物で、有機物成分に由来する)に高い圧力をかけたところ、室温での超伝導が観測されたことを報告する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。今回の発見は、完全に効率的な電気システムを作るという宿願の実現に向けた一歩となる。
高圧力下の水素に富んだ材料は、実証可能な超伝導温度が他の材料よりも高く、摂氏マイナス23度程度であることが明らかになっている。今回、Ranga Diasたちの研究チームは、電気抵抗ゼロの超伝導状態が達成される温度を摂氏15度まで引き上げた。この超伝導効果は、光化学的に合成される炭素質水素化硫黄の三元系において、267ギガパスカルの圧力下で観察された。267ギガパスカルは、標準的なタイヤ圧の約100万倍に当たる。この三元系では、レーザー光と圧力を用いて、元素前駆体(炭素、硫黄、分子状水素)を超伝導材料に変換する。この水素に富んだ材料が超伝導になる臨界温度は、圧力を高めるとともに上昇し、この関係は、今回の実験で達成された最高圧力まで維持された。
The observation of room-temperature superconductivity in hydride, a hydrogen-rich compound derived from organic components under high pressure, is reported in Nature this week. This discovery represents a step towards the long-sought goal of creating electrical systems with perfect efficiency.
Superconductivity is a phenomenon whereby electrical energy can move through a material without resistance. This effect was first observed at temperatures close to absolute zero. Achieving superconductivity at room temperature has the potential to improve the efficiency of electrical conductors and devices by minimizing the generation of heat.
Hydrogen-rich materials under high pressure have been shown to increase the temperatures at which superconductivity can be demonstrated, to around minus 23 degrees Celsius. The latest work by Ranga Dias and colleagues raises the temperature at which a zero-resistance state is achieved to 15 degrees Celsius. This effect is observed in a photochemically synthesized ternary carbonaceous sulfur hydride system at pressures of 267 billion pascals — this pressure is about a million times higher than a typical tyre pressure. In their system, laser light and pressure are used to transform elemental precursors (carbon, sulphur and molecular hydrogen) into the superconducting material. The critical temperature at which the material becomes superconducting increases with pressure, up to the highest pressure values achieved in the experiment.
The next goal will be the observation of room-temperature superconductivity at ambient pressure. Chemical tuning of the system could help to lower the required pressure, the authors say.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2801-z
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