Research press release



新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)患者が致命的な疾患を発症することに関連する遺伝的バリアントについて報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の研究は、重症化したCOVID-19の症状を支える機構の解明を進め、治療薬開発のための標的を明確に示し、いくつかの既存の薬剤がCOVID-19の重症患者の回復に役立つ可能性のあることを示唆している。

今回、Kenneth Baillieたちの研究グループは、英国内の208カ所の集中治療室(英国内の集中治療室の95%以上に相当する)に入室しているCOVID-19の重症患者(2244人)についてゲノム規模関連解析を実施した。Baillieたちは、これらの重症患者の遺伝子構成を対照群のゲノムと比較し、COVID-19患者において出現頻度の高い8種類の遺伝子塩基配列を特定し、そのうちの5種類(1つの既知の遺伝子座を含む)を別のコホートで再現した。これらの塩基配列は、炎症過程や侵入してくるウイルスに対する体の反応に関与する遺伝子に関係している。また、コンピュータによるフォローアップ解析が実施されて、これらの遺伝子配列がCOVID-19を原因とする重症疾患に関係していることを示すさらなる証拠が得られ、この重症疾患に関係している新たな候補遺伝子(TYK2CCR2など)が示された。これらの遺伝子は、炎症性タンパク質をコードしている。


Genetic variants that are linked to the development of life-threatening illness in patients with COVID-19 are reported in Nature. The study sheds light on the mechanisms that underpin the severe COVID-19 symptoms, highlights targets for drug development and suggests that some existing drugs could aid the recovery of seriously ill patients.

Kenneth Baillie and colleagues performed a genome-wide association study on 2,244 critically ill patients with COVID-19 from 208 intensive care units in the UK (more than 95% of the intensive care units in the UK). The authors compared the genetic makeup of these individuals to the genomes of a control group, and identified eight genetic sequences that were more common in the patients with COVID-19, five of which are replicated in additional cohorts (including one previously known locus). These sequences relate to genes that are involved in inflammatory processes and the body’s response to invading viruses. Computational follow-up analyses provided further evidence for the involvement of these sequences in critical illness caused by COVID-19 and highlighted additional candidate genes, such as TYK2 and CCR2, which are genes that encode pro-inflammatory proteins.

The findings suggest that critical illness caused by COVID-19 is underpinned by at least two biological mechanisms: innate antiviral defences, which are known to be important early in the disease, and host-driven inflammatory processes, which are a key feature of late, life-threatening COVID-19. With this in mind, the authors suggest that drugs that boost interferon signalling, target harmful inflammatory pathways and/or dampen the activation and infiltration of monocytes in the lungs, could help to treat seriously ill patients with COVID-19. Drugs that target some of the related pathways already exist. For example, TYK2 is a target of the rheumatoid arthritis treatment baricitinib and a monoclonal antibody that blocks CCR2 has been tested in early phase clinical trials for rheumatoid arthritis. Large-scale clinical trials are urgently needed to assess the use of these drugs in the treatment of COVID-19, the authors conclude.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03065-y

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