
湖沼熱波(湖沼の表層水温が極端に高くなる期間)の強度と継続期間が、21世紀末まで上昇と長期化を続けると考えられることが、このほど実施されたモデリング研究から示唆された。この知見を報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の研究から、温室効果ガスの排出量が多いシナリオの下では、湖沼熱波の平均継続期間が平均3か月ほど長くなる可能性があり、一部の湖では熱波状態が永続する可能性があることが示された。
今回、Iestyn Woolwayたちの研究チームは、1901~2099年に熱波が702か所の湖に及ぼす影響をモデル化した。その結果、温室効果ガス排出量の多いシナリオ(RCP 8.5)の下では、湖沼熱波における平均水温は摂氏約3.7度から5.4度へと上昇し、平均継続期間は約1週間~3か月以上長期化することが明らかになった。最も控えめな排出シナリオ(RCP 2.6)の下では、湖沼熱波の平均水温の上昇幅は約4.0度で、平均継続期間の長期化は約1か月だった。Woolwayたちは、水深60メートルまでの湖を今回の予測の対象としており、深い湖では熱波の継続期間は長くなるが、強度は低下することも明らかにした。
Lake heatwaves—periods of extreme warm surface water in lakes—may increase in intensity and duration by the end of the twenty-first century, suggests a modelling study published in Nature. The study indicates that, under a high-greenhouse-gas-emissions scenario, the average duration of lake heatwaves could increase by around three months on average and some lakes may reach a permanent heatwave state.
The increasing frequency of heatwaves over land and the sea surface has been linked to global warming. However, less is known about lake heatwaves and how they will be affected by global warming. Lake ecosystems are vulnerable to temperature changes, and how lakes respond to global warming affects the organisms that depend on these environments.
Iestyn Woolway and colleagues modelled the impact of heatwaves on 702 lakes from 1901 to 2099. They found that under a high-greenhouse-gas-emissions scenario (RCP 8.5) the average temperature of lake heatwaves is likely to increase from about 3.7 degrees Celsius to 5.4 degrees Celsius, while the average duration will increase from approximately a week to more than three months by the end of the twenty-first century. Under the most conservative emissions scenario (RCP 2.6), the average increases in temperature and duration are around 4.0 degrees Celsius and one month, respectively. The authors included lakes up to 60 metres deep in their projections and found that heatwaves would be longer lasting but less intense in deeper lakes.
As lakes warm over the twenty-first century, heatwaves will extend across all seasons and some lakes will reach a permanent heatwave state, the authors suggest. Increases in heatwave events could threaten lake biodiversity and push ecosystems to the limits of their resilience, they conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03119-1
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