
2019年のトリクロロフルオロメタン(CFC-11)の全球排出量が、2008~2012年の平均排出量に近いレベルまで減少したことを報告する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。また、同時掲載の別の論文では、この減少量の約60%が2017年以降の中国東部での排出量削減の結果であることを明らかにしている。これらの知見は、CFC-11排出量が再び減少傾向に入り、オゾン層回復の大幅な遅れが回避されたかもしれないことを示唆している。
今回、Stephen Montzkaたちは、2018年後半から大気中のCFC-11の減少ペースが加速したことを示す観測結果が、2つの独立した全球遠隔測定網によって得られたことを報告している。Montzkaたちは、CFC-11の全球排出量が2018~2019年に約1万8000メートルトン減少し、2019年の総排出量は5万2000メートルトンになったことを明らかにした(この排出量は、2008~2012年の平均排出量に匹敵する)。
もう一方の論文で、Luke Westernたちは、韓国済州島の五山観測所と日本の波照間島の観測所での大気観測の結果と化学輸送モデルのシミュレーションを用いて、中国東部でのCFC-11の地域排出量を調べた。その結果、この地域のCFC-11排出量が2014~2017年以降、年間約1万メートルトンのペースで減少し、2019年には約5000メートルトンまで減少したことが明らかになった。この排出量減少の推定値は、同時期の全球排出量の減少分の約60%に相当する。ただし、Westernたちは、この減少分の残りについて原因を特定できなかった。
Global emissions of trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) decreased in 2019 to levels close to the average seen from 2008–2012, reports a study in Nature. In a separate paper, approximately 60% of this decline is found to be as a result of reductions in emissions from eastern China after 2017. The findings suggest that the downward trajectory of CFC-11 emissions has been restored and substantial delays in the recovery of the ozone layer may have been avoided.
The Montreal Protocol set out to protect the ozone layer by reducing the abundance of ozone-depleting substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), in the atmosphere. Under the protocol, production of these substances was banned from 2010. However, in 2018 it was reported that the decline in the atmospheric concentration of CFC-11 had slowed since 2013, suggesting an increase in emissions from new, unreported production. Much of this global rise was attributed to emissions from eastern China.
Now, Stephen Montzka and colleagues report observations from two independent global remote measurement networks, which show that since late 2018 the decline in atmospheric CFC-11 has accelerated. The authors found that from 2018 to 2019, global emissions of CFC-11 decreased by approximately 18,000 metric tonnes, resulting in 52,000 metric tonnes of emissions in 2019 (which is comparable to the average emissions from 2008–2012).
In an accompanying paper, Luke Western and colleagues used atmospheric observations from Gosan, South Korea, and Hateruma, Japan, along with chemical transport model simulations, to investigate regional CFC-11 emissions from eastern China. The authors found that emissions have declined in this region by approximately 10,000 metric tonnes per year since 2014–2017 to around 5,000 metric tonnes in 2019. The estimated reduction in emissions accounts for approximately 60% of the global decline over the same period. However, they were unable to determine the sources of the remaining change in emissions.
The authors conclude that rapid mitigation efforts by countries in east Asia and worldwide enabled emissions to decline to pre-2013 levels and, provided these efforts are sustained, delays in the recovery of the ozone layer may have been avoided.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03260-5
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