
国際的に協調して海洋環境を保護する取り組みによって、生物多様性、食料供給、炭素貯蔵の便益が得られる可能性があると示唆する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。
今回、Enric Salaたちの研究チームは、海洋によってもたらされるサービスの便益を最大化するための海洋保護方法と、海洋保護を実施すべき場所を特定するために、生物多様性の保全、食料供給、炭素貯蔵を目的とする戦略間のトレードオフを評価した。その結果、海洋保護区がもたらす可能性のある最大の生物多様性便益の90%が、海洋の21%を戦略的に保護することによって達成できることが明らかになった。また、海洋の28%に海洋保護区を戦略的に設定することで、食料供給量が590万メートルトン増加すると推定された。底引き網漁などのいくつかの漁業活動は、海洋堆積物中に貯蔵された炭素を放出する。しかし、このような漁業活動をやめる決定を下すためには、堆積物の炭素源がすでに枯渇しているかを考慮する必要がある。Salaたちは、底引き網漁による炭素のかく乱の現在のリスクを90%削減するためには、海洋のわずか3.6%を保護すればよいと示唆している。ただし、これらの推定値は、底引き網漁が海洋堆積物からの炭素の放出に及ぼす影響に関する入手可能な限られたデータに基づいている。
A globally coordinated effort to protect ocean environments could boost the potential benefits to biodiversity, food provision and carbon storage, suggests a study in Nature this week.
Marine protected areas (in which extractive and destructive activities are restricted) can be an effective tool for restoring ocean biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, at present only around 7% of the ocean area has been designated or proposed as marine protected areas.
To identify how and where to protect the ocean to maximize benefits to the services it provides, Enric Sala and colleagues assess the trade-offs between strategies with the objectives of biodiversity preservation, food provision and carbon storage. They find that 90% of the maximum potential biodiversity benefits from marine protected areas could be achieved by strategically protecting 21% of the ocean. The authors also estimate that strategically placing marine protected areas that cover 28% of the ocean could increase food provisioning by 5.9 million metric tonnes. Some fishing practices, such as bottom trawling, release carbon stored in ocean sediments. However, decisions to halt such practices need to consider whether sediment carbon sources have already been exhausted. The authors suggest that only 3.6% of the ocean needs to be protected to achieve a 90% reduction of the present risk of carbon disturbance due to bottom trawling, although these estimates are based on limited data available on the impacts of trawling on the release of carbon from marine sediments.
Choosing the optimal protection strategy for all three benefits depends on which benefit is perceived to be the most important. If marine biodiversity and food provision benefits are considered to be of equal value, the optimal conservation strategy would protect 45% of the ocean, delivering 71% of the maximum possible biodiversity benefits, 92% of food provisioning benefits and 29% of carbon benefits. A globally coordinated effort could be twice as efficient as uncoordinated, national-level conservation planning, the authors add, calling for a greater level of investment and a cooperative approach to marine conservation.
After the embargo ends, the full paper will be available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03371-z
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03371-z
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