
アルミニウム、ストロンチウム、イッテルビウムをそれぞれ用いた3台の原子時計の周波数比の測定が、記録的な精度で行われたことを報告する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。この知見は、より高い精度で1秒を再定義するための重要な一歩になる。
今回、BACONコラボレーションのDavid Humeたちは、2017年11月から2018年6月にかけて、米国コロラド州ボールダーの別々の場所にある建物に物理的に収容されている3台の原子時計のネットワークを動作させて、それぞれの周波数比を測定した。その結果、これらの原子時計の比較で得られた測定値の精度は18桁の範囲内にあることが分かった。これらの測定値は、17桁以下の不確かさを持つ周波数比として初めて報告されたものである。この知見は、モバイル用、航空用、遠隔用の光時計のネットワークを開発するための基盤となり、標準理論を超える理論を検証に用いられ、1秒の再定義につながる可能性がある。
Three atomic clocks, based on aluminium, strontium and ytterbium, have been compared with record accuracy, reports a study published in Nature this week. The findings are an important step towards a more precise redefinition of the second.
The accuracy of atomic clocks makes them excellent instruments for timekeeping and other precision measurements. This is because atoms emit and absorb photons at specific frequencies, which are largely unaffected by environmental factors. Clocks operating at frequencies with an accuracy of 18 digits have been demonstrated previously, and outperform caesium clocks — currently used in the definition of a second. However, in order to produce a more accurate definition, comparisons between these clocks are required. To date, the highest reported accuracy for measurements of the frequency ratio between optical clocks that use different atomic species has reached a measurement of uncertainty at the level of 17-digit accuracy.
David Hume and colleagues from the BACON collaboration operated a network of three atomic clocks, which were physically housed in buildings in different parts of Boulder, Colorado, and compared their respective frequency ratios between November 2017 and June 2018. The authors found that the precision of the measurements they obtained when comparing the clocks was in the range of 18 digits. These measurements are the first reported frequency ratios with uncertainties below 17 digits. The findings lay the groundwork for the development of networks of mobile, airborne and remote optical clocks, which could be used to test theories beyond the Standard Model and lead to the redefinition of the second.
After the embargo ends, the full paper will be available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03253-4
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03253-4
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