
新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の初期重症度が高くなったことは、より長期的な合併症のリスクの上昇と医療資源の利用率上昇と相関していることを示唆した論文が、今週Nature に掲載される。今回の研究は、COVID-19の急性期から回復した米国退役軍人保健局のシステムの8万7000人以上の利用者が回復後の6か月間に経験した症状を詳細に記述しており、患者のケア戦略の策定と保健医療制度の計画に役立つ可能性がある。
COVID-19の急性症状の特徴は十分に明らかになっているが、重症急性呼吸器症候群コロナウイルス2(SARS-CoV-2)感染症の長期合併症は、それほど明らかになっていない。今回の研究で、Ziyad Al-Alyたちの研究チームは、米国退役軍人省の医療データベースのデータを用いて、COVID-19の急性期から回復した患者(入院しなかった患者7万3435例と入院した患者1万3654例)の回復時から6か月後までの診断、投薬、臨床検査結果を調べた。
Increased initial severity of COVID-19 correlates with an increased risk of longer-term complications and an increased use of health-care resources, suggests a Nature study publishing this week. The research, which provides a detailed description of the symptoms experienced up to six months later by over 87,000 users of the Veterans Health Administration in the United States who have recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19, could aid in the development of care strategies and health-system planning.
The acute symptoms of COVID-19 are well-characterized, but less is known about the long-term complications of infection with SARS-CoV-2. In this study, Ziyad Al-Aly and colleagues used data from the US Department of Veterans Affairs health-care databases to examine diagnoses, medication use and laboratory test results from 73,435 non-hospitalized and 13,654 hospitalized individuals up to 6 months after they had recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19.
The authors compared the outcomes of patients with COVID-19 who were non-hospitalized, hospitalized, or hospitalized and admitted to intensive care, and found an increasing risk gradient: those who had experienced the most severe forms of the disease were at greatest risk of additional COVID-related health issues at a later stage.
In addition, after the first 30 days of illness, all of the individuals with COVID-19 were found to have a higher risk of death and were more likely to require medical assistance for additional problems than nearly 5 million users of the Veterans Health Administration system who did not have COVID-19 and were not hospitalized. These included respiratory conditions, nervous system disorders, mental health problems, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, malaise, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain and anaemia. Individuals experiencing long-term symptoms also showed an increased use of various medications, including antidepressants, anxiolytics (to reduce anxiety) and pain medications.
The authors note that although their study identifies the conditions that patients developed following COVID-19, they cannot determine whether these are direct or indirect effects of the disease.
After the embargo ends, the full paper will be available at:
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03553-9
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