
北米で発見された古代の糞便の分析から、過去2000年間にヒトの腸マイクロバイオームに顕著な変化が生じていたことが明らかになったと報告する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。この変化は、産業革命以前の食事と現代の食事の違いを反映しており、抗生物質耐性遺伝子の増加を明確に示しており、腸マイクロバイオームの構成が慢性疾患の発症とどのように結び付くのかを説明できるかもしれない。
このほど、米国南西部とメキシコの岩窟住居遺跡で発見され、本物であることが確認された、約1000~2000年前の保存状態の良好なヒト糞便標本8点について、詳細な遺伝子解析が行われ、新たな知見が得られた。Aleksandar Kosticたちの研究チームは、これらの標本から498の微生物ゲノムを再構築し、そのうち181が古代のヒトの腸に由来することを示す強力な証拠を得た。Kosticたちは、これらのゲノムのうち61が、過去に研究報告のないことも明らかにした。これは、現代のヒト集団に見られる微生物種と異なる種が存在していたことを示している。Kosticたちは、これらのゲノムと現在の工業国と非工業国の集団から採取した試料のゲノムの比較を行い、産業革命以前の古代のゲノムが、非工業国の集団の腸マイクロバイオームにより類似していることを明らかにした。
Notable changes to the human gut microbiome have occurred over the past 2,000 years, according to analyses of ancient faeces from North America reported in Nature this week. The changes reflect differences between pre-industrial and modern diets, highlight an increase in antibiotic-resistance genes, and may explain how the composition of the gut microbiome is linked to the development of chronic diseases.
Comparisons of industrial and non-industrial present-day populations indicate that an industrial lifestyle is linked to a lower diversity of the gut microbiome and an increase in the incidence of chronic illnesses, such as obesity and autoimmune diseases. However, our understanding of the evolution of the gut microbiome over time has been limited by a lack of data on pre-industrial gut microbes, owing to challenges in obtaining well-preserved DNA.
A detailed genetic analysis of eight well-preserved authenticated human faeces samples, which are around 1,000–2,000 years old, that had been discovered in rock shelters in southwestern USA and Mexico provides new insights. From these samples, Aleksandar Kostic and colleagues reconstructed 498 microbial genomes, of which 181 show strong evidence of being ancient and of human gut origin. They find that 61 of these genomes are previously undescribed, indicating the presence of species that are divergent from those seen in modern populations. The researchers compare the genomes to those of present-day samples from industrial and non-industrial populations, and find that the ancient, pre-industrial genomes are more similar to non-industrial human gut microbiomes.
The ancient and non-industrial samples include an enrichment of genes associated with the metabolism of starches, which may be due to the higher consumption of complex carbohydrates compared with present-day industrial populations. Both the industrial and non-industrial modern-day samples are enriched in antibiotic-resistance genes relative to the ancient samples. These insights shed light on the evolutionary history of the human microbiome, and may aid in our understanding of the role of the microbiota in health and disease.
After the embargo ends, the full paper will be available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03532-0
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03532-0
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