
都市の食料サプライチェーンの多様性を高めれば、食料の供給途絶(食料供給ショック)に対する都市の復元力が強化されることを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。この関係は、米国の284都市の4年間のデータを用いて構築された統計モデルを使って実証されており、政策立案者の指針となり得る。
今回、Alfonso Mejiaたちの研究チームは、米国の大部分が中程度から重度の干ばつに見舞われた期間(2012~2015年)の国内284都市における4つの食料分野(作物、生きた動物、動物用飼料、肉)での年間食料供給量の観測値を調べた。Mejiaたちは、これらのデータを用いて、統計的-実証的モデルを作成した。このモデルは、特定の頻度、強度、期間の食料供給ショックに対して都市が抵抗する能力が、そのサプライチェーンの多様性とどのように相関するかを説明する。驚くべきことに、都市の食料サプライチェーンの多様性を高めることで、軽度から中程度のショックに対する復元力を最大15%まで高められることが分かった。
Improving a city’s food supply chain diversity enhances its resilience to disruptions to supply, known as food shocks, reports a study published in Nature. This relationship is demonstrated with a statistical model — constructed using four years of data from 284 cities across the United States — that may guide policymakers.
Food supply shocks — such as those caused by extreme weather, political factors and disease pandemics — are becoming more common worldwide. Ecological theory suggests that to manage the risk of these shocks, food supply chains should be as diverse as possible. What has been missing, however, is a simple, quantitative model that can be used to visualize the risk of shock in relation to factors that can be actively controlled by a city, company or nation.
Alfonso Mejia and colleagues examined observations of annual food supply to 284 cities in the United States across four food sectors (crops, live animals, animal feed and meat) during a period when moderate to severe droughts were afflicting a large proportion of the country (2012–2015). These data were used to create a statistical-empirical model that explains how a city’s capacity to resist a food supply shock of a certain frequency, intensity and duration correlates with the diversity of its supply chains. Strikingly, boosting this diversity can increase resilience to shocks of mild to moderate severity by up to 15%.
The authors hope that by creating a simple, operationally useful model that is generalizable to different hazards, cities will be able to use it to guide policies aimed at increasing food supply chain diversity. This could help buffer against future disruptions.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03621-0
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