
アマゾン川流域の熱帯雨林(アマゾニア)は、上空の大気に含まれる炭素の濃度を低下させる能力を有していたが、それが森林破壊と地域的な気候変動によって脅かされていることを示唆する論文が、今週、Nature に掲載される。一部の地域では、炭素排出量が炭素吸収量を上回っていることが明らかになった。この知見は、気候と人為的かく乱の相互作用がアマゾン川流域の世界最大の熱帯林の炭素収支に及ぼす長期的影響をより正確に説明するために役立つ。
今回、Luciana Gattiたちは、ブラジルのアマゾニア上空の対流圏(地球大気の最下層)における2010~2018年の二酸化炭素濃度と一酸化炭素濃度の航空機観測値を照合した。4地点の約600の鉛直プロファイリング(地表から海抜約4.5キロメートルまで)の結果、アマゾニア東部の総炭素排出量は西部よりも多いことが判明した。もっと具体的に言うと、特にアマゾニア南東部が正味の炭素排出源であり、今回の研究期間中に炭素シンクから相当な規模の炭素排出源に切り替わっていた。Gattiたちは、アマゾニア東部の炭素排出量増加の原因は、その地域の生態系が受けたストレスと、乾季と森林破壊の激化によって加速した火災発生の増加である可能性があるという仮説を示している。
Deforestation and regional climate change may be threatening the atmospheric carbon buffering potential of the Amazon rainforest, suggests a paper published in Nature this week. Some regions are shown to be emitting more carbon than they absorb. These findings help us to better contextualize the long-term impacts of interactions between climate and human disturbances on the carbon balance of the world’s largest tropical forest.
The Amazon rainforest, or Amazonia, represents the greatest expanse of tropical forest in the world. As a result, the region plays a vital role in helping to accumulate and store atmospheric carbon. Factors such as human-induced deforestation and climate change are thought to have stimulated a decrease in the capacity of the carbon sink and altered the local balance of carbon gases, which is indicative of the health of an ecosystem.
Luciana Gatti and colleagues collated aircraft observations of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide concentrations in the troposphere — the lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere — above Brazilian Amazonia from 2010 to 2018. Analysis of over 600 vertical profiles (extending from the surface to around 4.5 km above sea level) at four sites revealed that total carbon emissions in eastern Amazonia are greater than those in the west. More specifically, southeastern Amazonia is pinpointed as a particular net carbon emitter, switching from being a sink to being a substantial carbon source over the study period. The authors propose that stress inflicted on local ecosystems and an increase in fire occurrence — promoted by an intensification of the dry season and an increase in deforestation — may be responsible for these higher eastern carbon emissions.
By revealing an association between deforestation and climatic changes across Amazonia, this study suggests that such interactions may have lasting, negative consequences for both the carbon balance of the region and the fragility of its ecosystems.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03629-6
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