Research press release



洪水多発地域の人口増加率が他の地域よりも高くなっていることを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。人工衛星の観測データから、世界人口に占める洪水被災者の割合が今世紀に入ってから約25%増加していることが分かった。これは、これまでの予測の10倍に当たる。この増加は、2030年まで続くと予想されている。


今回、Beth Tellmanたちは、洪水に関する精度の高い日々の衛星観測結果を用いて、2000~2018年に発生した大規模な洪水事象913件について、氾濫面積と被災者数を推定した。250メートルの解像度で撮影された合計1万2719枚の画像を調べたところ、この期間中に223万平方キロメートルの洪水が発生し、2億5500万~2億9000万人が直接影響を受けたことが明らかになった。その一方で、2000~2015年の期間中の洪水多発地域の人口増加率は、他の地域よりも高かった。世界の総人口は18.6%増加したが、氾濫区域の居住者は34.1%増加した。同じ期間中に、氾濫区域の居住者数が5800万~8600万人(20~24%)増加し、これは、1970~2010年に推定された数々の洪水モデルの10倍である。気候変動予測によると、この割合は、2030年までにさらに大きくなり、特に57か国(北米、中央アジア、中央アフリカの一部を含む)で、人口に占める洪水被災者の割合が大幅に増加すると示唆されている。


Population is increasing at a greater rate in flood-prone areas than others, according to a study published in Nature. Satellite observations reveal that the proportion of the global population exposed to floods has increased by almost a quarter since the turn of the century — ten times higher than previous estimates. This growth is set to continue to rise by 2030.

Flooding affects more lives than any other environmental hazard. As the frequency and intensity of flooding increases, so does the need for accurate measurements of global flood exposure so that improved flood adaptation policies can reduce loss of life and livelihoods. Although previous studies have estimated flood exposure, many have relied purely on global models with great uncertainty.

Beth Tellman and colleagues used highly accurate, daily satellite observations of floods to estimate the extent of flooding and population exposure for 913 large flood events between 2000 and 2018. Examination of a total of 12,719 images captured at 250-metre resolution revealed that during this time frame 255–290 million people were directly affected by 2.23 million square kilometres of floods. Between 2000 and 2015, population growth was faster in flood-prone areas; while the total global population increased by 18.6%, there was a 34.1% increase in flooded regions. During the same five years, the number of individuals living in flooded areas rose by as much as 58–86 million (20–24%), ten times higher than flood models estimated between 1970 and 2010. Climate change projections suggest that by 2030 this proportion will expand further, with 57 countries in particular (including parts of North America, central Asia and central Africa) predicted to experience substantial increases in the percentage of their populations that are exposed to floods.

The authors hope that the evidence for rising flood risks presented in this study will help to shape crucial flood adaptation decisions, such as incentivizing relocation to other areas.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03695-w

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