
音を効率的に検出できる特殊な繊維が編み込まれた布地を発表した論文が、Nature に掲載される。これらの布地は、ヒトの耳の複雑な聴覚系から着想したもので、双方向的なコミュニケーションに使用でき、音源定位を補助し、あるいは心臓活動のモニタリングに使用できる。
今回、Yoel Finkたちは、音によって生じた振動が内耳の蝸牛に伝わり、そこで電気信号に変換されるという耳の複雑な構造から着想した新しいデザインの布地が、高感度マイクロホンとして機能することを明らかにしている。この布地には、圧電繊維という特殊な電気繊維が織り込まれている。圧電繊維は、布地の糸に織り込まれており、可聴周波数の圧力波を機械的振動に変換でき、その後、機械的振動を電気信号に変換できる。この過程は、蝸牛で起こる過程に似ている。この特殊化された圧電繊維が、布地の音響感度を高めるために必要とされる量はわずかであり、1本の繊維で、数十平方メートルの布マイクロホンを生成できる。この布マイクロホンで、ヒトの音声のような弱い音響信号を検出できる。この布地は洗濯機で洗うこともでき、ドレープ性もあるので、ウエアラブル用途に最適である。
Fabrics containing special fibres that are capable of efficiently detecting sounds are presented in a paper published in Nature. Inspired by the intricate hearing system in our ear, these fabrics can be used for two-way communication, to aid directional hearing or to monitor heart activity.
The development of fabrics that can detect and process sound could unlock a wide range of practical possibilities, from advances in computing fabrics to security and biomedicine.
Yoel Fink and colleagues present a new design of fabric that can function as a sensitive microphone inspired by the complex structure of the ear, in which vibrations created by sound travel to the cochlea where they are converted into electrical signals. The design involves a specialized electrical fibre — known as a piezoelectric fibre — that is woven into fabric yarns and can convert pressure waves at audible frequencies into mechanical vibrations. The fibre is then able to convert these mechanical vibrations into electrical signals, analogous to the process that occurs in the cochlea. Only a small quantity of the specialized piezoelectric fibre is required to render the fabric acoustically sensitive: just one fibre can be used to generate tens of square metres of fabric microphone, which is then capable of detecting weak sound signals such as human speech. The fabric can also be machine-washed, with draping qualities, making it ideal for wearable applications.
Three main applications are demonstrated for the design when woven into shirts. The garment can detect the direction from which a clapping sound originates; facilitate two-way communication between two individuals, each of whom is wearing the acoustic fabric; and monitor the heart when the fabric is touching the skin. The authors anticipate that the new design could be applied to a variety of situations, including for security (for example, detecting where a gunshot has come from), aiding directional listening in individuals with hearing aids, or in real-time long-term monitoring for those with heart and respiratory conditions.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04476-9
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