
土地を集約度の高い農業に利用することと過去の気候温暖化との相互作用は、昆虫の存在量の約50%の減少に関連していることを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。
今回、Charlotte Outhwaite、Peter McCann、Tim Newboldは、この知識の空白に取り組むため、気温の変化と土地利用の変化に関するデータを世界の6000地点以上での昆虫の生物多様性に関する20年間のデータと組み合わせ、1万7889種の昆虫(カブトムシ、ハエ、ハチ、チョウ、バッタなど)について、土地利用条件と気候条件の変化を比較した。その結果、土地を集約度の高い農業(作物の多様性が低いこと、またはは家畜の集約度が高いことを特徴とする)に利用し、ベースラインの気温変動を上回る温暖化があった場合には、かく乱が少なく温暖化がゆっくりと進んできた生息地と比べて、昆虫の存在量が49%少なくなり、種の豊かさが27%少なくなることが明らかになった。Outhwaiteたちは、気候変動の結果として昆虫の生物多様性に及ぶ悪影響は、周辺の自然生息地の存在によって緩和されるが、極端な高温の場合には、この緩衝効果はそれほど大きくない可能性があるという見解を示している。
Interplay between historical climate warming and intensive agricultural land use is associated with a reduction of almost 50% in insect abundance, reports a paper in Nature.
Climate change and land-use change are known to affect insect biodiversity, and these factors can act synergistically; for example, removing natural habitats to make agricultural land can alter the microclimate and increase temperature extremes. However, the effect of interactions between these factors and insect biodiversity is less well understood than for other animal species.
To address this gap in knowledge, Charlotte Outhwaite, Peter McCann and Tim Newbold combined data on temperature changes and land-use changes with data on insect biodiversity in more than 6,000 different locations around the world, with the data spanning a 20-year period. They compare differing land-use and climatic conditions for 17,889 insect species (including beetles, flies, bees, butterflies and grasshoppers). They show that, compared with habitats that are less disturbed and experience lower rates of warming, intensive agricultural land use (characterized by low crop diversity or high livestock intensity) and greater warming above baseline temperature variation is associated with reductions of 49% and 27% in insect abundance and species richness within insect groups. They suggest that impacts on insect biodiversity as a result of climate change can be buffered by the presence of nearby natural habitat, although this buffering may be less effective against extreme high temperatures.
Insects have an important role in ecosystems, including pollination and pest control. A better understanding of the factors that can alter insect biodiversity could help to guide conservation efforts.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04644-x
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