
1万を超える爬虫類種の21%以上が絶滅の危機に瀕していることが、全球的評価によって示唆された。この知見について報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の知見は、一部の爬虫類(ワニ類とカメ類の多くの種を含む)について、絶滅を防ぐための保全活動が緊急に必要なことを示している。
今回、Bruce Youngたちは、IUCNのレッドリスト基準を爬虫類に適用して、爬虫類の絶滅リスクを全球的に調べた。その結果、評価対象の1万196種のうち、少なくとも1829種(21%)が絶滅の危機に瀕している(「危急」、「危機」、「深刻な危機」に分類されている)ことが判明した。最も絶滅リスクが高い爬虫類種には、ワニ類とカメ類が含まれており、評価対象のワニ類の約57.9%とカメ類の50.0%が絶滅の危機に瀕していると評価された。Youngたちは、気候変動がもたらすリスクは不確実なことを認めながらも、農業、森林伐採、都市開発、侵入種などの要因を爬虫類の絶滅危機のドライバーとして示している。これまでの予測では、乾燥環境(爬虫類が高度に多様な環境)にある爬虫類の絶滅リスクが最も大きいとされたが、Youngたちは、森林に生息する爬虫類種の方が絶滅の危機が大きく、その一因は、森林環境で特定の脅威への曝露が大きいことによるのかもしれないことを明らかにした。
Over 21% of reptile species are threatened with extinction, suggests a global assessment of more than 10,000 species published in Nature. The findings indicate that some reptiles, including many species of crocodiles and turtles, require urgent conservation efforts to prevent extinctions.
Comprehensive extinction risk assessments are available for birds, mammals and amphibians, but have been lacking for reptiles. Conservation strategies for reptiles have so far relied on International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria and distributions of other animals to inform policy and priorities.
Bruce Young and colleagues applied the IUCN Red List criteria to reptiles to examine extinction risks for reptiles globally. Of the 10,196 species assessed, they found that at least 1,829 (21%) of species were threatened with extinction (categorized as being vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered). Crocodiles and turtles are among the most at-risk species, with around 57.9% and 50.0% of those assessed being under threat, respectively. The authors indicate that factors including agriculture, logging, urban development and invasive species are drivers of the threat to reptiles, although they acknowledge that the risk that climate change poses is uncertain. Although previous predictions have proposed reptiles to be most at risk in arid environments (where they are highly diverse), Young and colleagues found that species inhabiting forests were more threatened — perhaps because of greater exposures to certain threats in forest environments.
The authors highlight that many of the risks that reptiles face are similar to those faced by other animal groups, and suggest that conservation efforts to protect these groups — including habitat restoration and controlling invasive species — may have also benefited reptiles. However, they caution that some reptiles do require urgent conservation efforts to prevent extinctions.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04664-7
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