Research press release



このほど実施されたモデル化研究で、2050年までに世界の牛肉消費量の20%を発酵由来の微生物タンパク質に置き換えることで、年間の森林破壊とそれに伴う二酸化炭素排出量を半減させ得ることが明らかになった。ただし、置換率がこれ以上高くなると、恩恵が目減りする可能性があることも指摘されている。今回の研究について報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。


今回、Florian Humpenöderたちは、糖を原料とする微生物タンパク質を食肉用牛肉の一部の代替品とすることによって、土地利用の観点での環境影響が2050年までにどの程度生じる可能性があるのかを世界規模で調べて、社会経済的要因(畜産物需要の増加、人口増加、所得増加など)を考慮に入れた。全般的に言うと、2050年までに世界の1人当たり牛肉消費量の20%が微生物タンパク質に置き換わると、年間の森林破壊とそれに伴う二酸化炭素排出量は、このような食肉の代替を行わない基準シナリオと比べて、56%削減されると推定された。これに対して、食肉の代替率が、このレベルを超えると、土地節約効果が直線的に増加しなくなると考えられている。これは、農業生産構造のいろいろな変革が必要になるためだと、Humpenöderたちは推測している。


Replacing 20% of global beef consumption with fermentation-derived microbial protein by 2050 could halve annual deforestation and associated carbon dioxide emissions, according to a modelling study in Nature. Higher levels of substitution, however, may have diminishing benefits.

As the negative environmental impacts of ruminant meat consumption become more evident — including those concerning greenhouse gas emissions or land use changes — the incorporation of animal-free alternatives is being encouraged for improved health and sustainability. Previous studies of fermentation-derived microbial protein, such as mycoprotein (a commercially available meat alternative), have estimated potential environmental benefits. However, these assessment methods are often static, with limited scalability.

Florian Humpenöder and colleagues investigated the potential land-use-based environmental impacts of partially replacing dietary beef with sugar-based microbial protein on a global scale, up to 2050. The authors also considered socioeconomic factors such as a rising demand for livestock, population expansion and increases in income. Overall, the authors estimate that replacing 20% of the beef that is consumed globally per person with microbial protein by 2050 would result in a 56% reduction in annual deforestation and associated carbon dioxide emissions, compared to a reference, non-substitution scenario. Increasing substitution levels beyond this point, however, would not result in linear increases in land-saving effects. The authors predict that this may be the result of the requirement for changes in the structure of agricultural production.

The authors conclude that, beyond complementing findings of previous studies, their results provide more dynamic projections of the potential land-use-based environmental impacts of substituting beef with microbial protein, with greater consideration for the contexts that frame environmental pressures.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04629-w

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