
マウスを使った研究で、食物摂取量と肥満を効果的に減らす作用のある代謝物が特定され、運動をしている間に産生されることが明らかになった。この知見は、運動と空腹感の相互作用の根底にある生理的過程の理解を深めることになる。この研究を報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。
身体活動は肥満や肥満関連疾患を予防することが証明されている。エネルギー需要が増加すると、体内で、より多くのカロリーを消費する必要があるからだ。しかし、ヒトの生理と代謝の健康状態に対する身体運動の長期的な利益については、解明があまり進んでいない。今回、Jonathan Longたちの研究グループは、マウスに激しいトレッドミル走をさせてから血漿中代謝物の包括的な分析を行った。最も顕著に誘導された代謝物は、乳酸(筋肉の灼熱感の原因となる激しい運動の副産物)とフェニルアラニン(タンパク質の構成要素の1つであるアミノ酸)から合成される修飾アミノ酸Lac-Phe(N-ラクトイル-フェニルアラニン)だった。
A metabolite produced during exercise that can effectively reduce food intake and obesity in mice is identified in a study published in Nature. The findings improve our understanding of the physiological processes that underlie the interplay between exercise and hunger.
Physical activity has been proven to protect against obesity and obesity-associated diseases, as the increased energy demand requires our bodies to burn more calories. However, the longer-term benefits of exercise for physiology and metabolic health are still poorly understood. Jonathan Long and colleagues conducted comprehensive analyses of blood plasma metabolites from mice following intense treadmill running. The most significantly induced metabolite was a modified amino acid called Lac-Phe that is synthesized from lactate (a byproduct of strenuous exercise that is responsible for the burning sensation in muscles) and phenylalanine (an amino acid that is one of the building blocks of proteins).
A high dose of Lac-Phe suppressed food intake in mice with diet-induced obesity (fed a high-fat diet) by about 50% compared to control mice over a period of 12 hours without affecting their movement or energy expenditure. Administration of Lac-Phe to the mice for 10 days reduced cumulative food intake, reduced body weight (owing to loss of body fat) and improved glucose tolerance. The authors also identified an enzyme involved in the production of Lac-Phe, and showed that mice lacking this enzyme did not lose as much weight on an exercise regime as a control group on the same exercise plan. However, the appetite-suppressing effect of Lac-Phe existed only after exercise, not in the sedentary state, and was observed only in mice made obese by a high-fat diet.
Robust elevations in plasma Lac-Phe level following physical activity were also observed in racehorses and humans. Data from a human exercise cohort showed that sprint exercise induced the most dramatic increase in plasma Lac-Phe, followed by resistance training and then endurance training. The metabolic effects of Lac-Phe were not investigated in the human cohorts. Further studies are needed to uncover the downstream pathways of Lac-Phe action and to provide more insights into new therapeutic opportunities and the benefits of physical activity for human health, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04828-5
「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。