
最初期の恐竜の生息地は、古代のパンゲア超大陸の極南部の温帯地域に限られていたことが、ジンバブエで新たに出土した三畳紀の恐竜の化石群から示唆された。この知見は、パンゲア超大陸全体における恐竜の起源と初期進化に関する知識が深めている。この研究知見を報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。
Christopher Griffinたちは、新たな恐竜化石群をジンバブエで発見し、年代測定により、後期三畳紀(約2億3000万年前のカルニア期)のものと決定した。この化石群には、アフリカで最古のものとされる恐竜の化石が含まれており、首の長い草食恐竜の一種である竜脚類の新種Mbiresaurus raathi のほぼ完全な骨格も含まれていた。Griffinたちは、このアフリカ中南部の化石群が、南米(ブラジルやアルゼンチンを含む)とインドで発見された恐竜化石群に似ていることを明らかにした。このことは、似通った脊椎動物がこの緯度帯に広く分布していたことを示唆している。これらの恐竜の分布は、気候障壁と相関することが判明し、Griffinたちは、パンゲア超大陸の他地域への恐竜の分散は、こうした気候障壁が緩和するまで先送りされたという考えを示している。
A new collection of Triassic dinosaur fossils from Zimbabwe suggests that the earliest dinosaurs were confined to a temperate region in the far south of the ancient supercontinent of Pangaea. The findings, reported in Nature, enhance our knowledge of the origin and early evolution of dinosaurs across Pangaea.
Previous research has suggested that a hothouse climate, strong seasonality and high atmospheric CO2 concentrations created strong arid and humid climate belts arranged east–west across Pangaea. These different climate regions may have influenced the distribution of early dinosaurs across the supercontinent during this period, as there were few geographical barriers or continental boundaries to affect animal dispersal. However, understanding the distribution of dinosaurs across the supercontinent during the Late Triassic has been challenging, as sparse sampling has obscured their earliest history.
Christopher Griffin and colleagues discovered a new fossil assemblage from Zimbabwe, dating to the earliest part of the Late Triassic (Carnian Stage, around 230 million years ago). This collection of fossils contains Africa’s oldest known dinosaurs, including a nearly complete skeleton of a new group of sauropodomorph, a type of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur, named Mbiresaurus raathi. They found that the south-central African assemblage resembled those of dinosaur assemblages from South America, including Brazil and Argentina, and India, suggesting that similar vertebrates were widespread across this latitude band. The distribution of these dinosaurs was found to correlate with climatic barriers, and the authors suggest that dinosaur dispersal to the rest of the supercontinent was delayed until these barriers relaxed.
The authors suggest that climatic controls influenced the initial composition of terrestrial dinosaurs and other major groups — such as mammals, turtles, amphibians and reptiles — many of which persist to this day.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05133-x
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