
2021年のニーラゴンゴ山(コンゴ民主共和国)の噴火には、意味のある前兆現象がなかった。この噴火について、火山体(円錐構造)の破壊が引き金になった可能性を示唆する論文が、Nature に掲載される。この研究知見は、火山を監視することの有用性を明確に示しており、通常の前兆信号がない場合に噴火をどのように予測するのかという点に関する手がかりとなる可能性がある。
今回、Delphine Smittarelloたちは、2021年5月に発生したニーラゴンゴ山の噴火を分析し、この噴火の引き金となったのが火山体の破壊だったと推測し、応力が引張強度(破壊されるまでの最大応力)に達したか、あるいは、応力と高温が持続した結果、火山体が時間の経過とともに脆弱となったことが原因だった可能性があると述べている。既にマグマが地表近くまで上昇してきており、噴火するまでの移動距離が短くなっていたため、この動きに関連した信号を検出し、解釈する時間がほとんどなかった。噴火は、異常な地震事象が検出されてから40分足らずで始まった。
The 2021 eruption of Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which occurred with no meaningful warning, may have been triggered by a rupture in the volcano’s edifice (the conical structure), a paper published in Nature suggests. The findings highlight the value of monitoring volcanoes, which may provide clues to how eruptions can be forecast in the absence of the usual precursory signals.
Mount Nyiragongo is an open-vent volcano with a large lava lake housed in the summit crater. Its eruption in May 2021 lasted approximately six hours, producing lava flows that led to about 220 people reported missing or dead and 750 injured, as well as infrastructure damage. The eruption appeared to have occurred without any precursors that could have provided a warning. Typically, volcanic eruptions are triggered by the ascent of magma to the surface and pressure build-up, which produces signals that can be detected. Two historical eruptions of Mount Nyiragongo, in 1977 and 2002, did have precursors, with seismic activity and eruptive activity reported before the main eruptions.
Delphine Smittarello and colleagues analysed the May 2021 eruption of Mount Nyiragongo and suggest that the eruption may have been triggered by an edifice rupture, which may have occurred because stress reached tensile strength (the maximum stress it could take before rupturing) or the structure weakened over time as a result of sustained stress and high temperatures. As the magma was already close to the surface and only had to travel a short distance before erupting, this left little time to detect the signals before the eruption 40 minutes later.
The authors note that these findings raise questions about the mechanisms behind Mount Nyiragongo’s eruptions and the possibility of more hazardous events due to its proximity to populated areas. More generally, they argue it highlights the issues raised by open-vent volcanoes for monitoring, early detection and risk management.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05047-8
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