
マウスにおいて、LSDに似た化学分子(2種類)が抗うつ作用を示し、副作用(幻覚)がなかったことを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。これらの化学分子がヒトに投与する薬剤候補となるためにはさらなる試験が必要だが、これらの分子の発見は、将来の精神疾患治療薬の開発につながる可能性がある。
今回、Brian Shoichet、Jon Ellman、Bryan Rothたちは、LSDにも存在するテトラヒドロピリジンのファミリーに含まれる7500万種以上の分子が登録された特注の仮想ライブラリーを作成し、セロトニン受容体と相互作用するかどうかを仮想的に検証した。その結果、セロトニン受容体を活性化する2種の分子が見つかり、それらの分子をマウスで検証した。これらの分子は、マウスにおいて抗うつ作用を示し、幻覚作用はないことが分かった。さらに、これらの分子は、抗うつ薬のフルオキセチンと同等の効果を示し、用量はフルオキセチンの40分の1だった。Shoichetたちは、これらの分子を薬剤候補と見なすには、さらなる研究と最適化が必要だと指摘している。
Two LSD-like chemical molecules are found to have antidepressant effects in mice, without psychedelic side effects, reports a Nature paper. Although further testing is required before they can become drug candidates in humans, the discovery of these molecules could lead to the development of drugs for treating psychiatric disorders in the future.
Psychedelics, such as LSD and psilocybin, are known to target specific serotonin receptors and have been suggested as alternatives for treating psychiatric disorders — including schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. However, whether it is possible to develop these compounds therapeutically without their hallucinogenic activities remains unknown. Developing LSD-like therapeutic drugs without psychedelic activity is an attractive goal for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Virtual screening is a computational approach for predicting drug activity that can be used to find interesting compounds that target serotonin receptors.
Brian Shoichet, Jon Ellman, Bryan Roth and colleagues created a bespoke virtual library of over 75 million molecules within the family of tetrahydropyridines, which are also found in LSD, and virtually tested them to see whether they interacted with serotonin receptors. They found two molecules that activated serotonin receptors and tested them in mice. These molecules were found to have antidepressant effects in mice without psychedelic effects. Additionally, these molecules were as effective as the antidepressant fluoxetine but at doses 40 times lower. The authors note that these molecules require further investigation and optimization before they can be considered drug candidates.
These findings demonstrate the potential of bespoke screening libraries to identify new drug leads.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05258-z
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