
気候変動が外温動物(冷血動物)の熱ストレスと死亡のリスクを高めていることを示唆した研究について報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。今回の研究では、中程度の温暖化シナリオでも顕著な影響が生じると予測されており、地球温暖化がもたらす動物の脆弱性を浮き彫りにしている。
今回、Johannes Overgaardたちは、外温生物の温度感受性を評価するため、314種の外温生物(魚類、アリ、ショウジョウバエを含む)の酵素活性、心拍数、移動運動、摂食と代謝速度に関するデータを解析した。その結果、外温生物種がストレスを感じ始める温度になると、温度が許容範囲内にある場合と比べて、温度上昇の影響がはるかに大きくなることが判明した。Overgaardたちは、外温生物(112種)のデータを用いて、温度が1°C上昇すると、熱昏睡や熱死を引き起こす過程の速度が100%以上も上昇することを明らかにした。
Climate change is increasing the risk of heat stress and death in cold-blooded animals, a Nature study suggests. With even modest warming scenarios predicted to have a notable impact, the research highlights the vulnerability of animals as a result of global warming.
Ectothermic or cold-blooded animals rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature and their biochemical processes. As a result, they are largely restricted to habitats with permissive temperatures, and although they can endure stressful temperatures to some degree, their tolerance is limited by the duration and intensity of the heat stress.
To gauge their thermal sensitivity, Johannes Overgaard and colleagues first analysed data relating to enzyme activity, heart rate, locomotion, feeding and metabolic rate for 314 ectothermic species, including fish, ants and fruit flies. They found that the effects of warming are much greater at temperatures which the species already find stressful than at permissive temperatures. Using data for 112 ectothermic species, the authors found that the rate of processes causing heat coma or heat death increased by more than 100% for every 1 °C of warming.
As the world warms, this extreme thermal sensitivity could have alarming consequences for ectotherms when they are exposed to heat extremes. In the absence of behavioural avoidance, future increases in maximal environmental temperatures may increase heat failure rates by 774% for terrestrial ectotherms, and 180% for aquatic ectotherms by the year 2100. This finding suggests that we may underestimate the potential impact of even a modest global warming scenario, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05334-4
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