
今回、Grégoire Courtineたちは、電気刺激を実施した場合に、麻痺発症後の患者の歩行に必要となる脊髄の特定のニューロン群が動員されるのかどうかを調べた。今回の研究では、脊髄損傷を原因とする重度の麻痺患者と完全麻痺患者(合計9人)が臨床試験に登録して、硬膜外電気刺激(EES)治療を受けた。この治療においては、これらの患者全員に歩行能力の回復または改善が直ちに見られ、5カ月間のEES治療とリハビリテーションの後に運動性の改善が明らかになった。Courtineたちは、この改善の基礎となる機構を探究するため、ヒトにおけるEES神経リハビリテーションの重要な特徴を再現するマウスモデルを作出し、さらには、マウスの脊髄のさまざまなニューロンにおける遺伝子発現の単一細胞マップを構築した。そして、Courtineたちは、このマウスモデルと分子マップを統合して、脊髄損傷後の歩行回復に重要な役割を果たすが、脊髄損傷のない人の歩行には必要のない特定の種類の興奮性ニューロンを特定した。
The neurons that promote recovery from paralysis are identified in a study in which nine individuals with chronic spinal cord injury regained the ability to walk after being treated with electrical stimulation. The findings, presented in a Nature paper this week, improve our understanding of how mobility can be recovered after paralysis.
Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord has been found to be effective in improving recovery of walking in people with paralysis, but the underlying mechanism of this treatment remains unclear.
Grégoire Courtine and colleagues investigated whether electrical stimulation might recruit specific sets of neurons in the spinal cord that become necessary for patients to walk after paralysis. In this study, nine individuals with severe or complete paralysis caused by spinal cord injury were enrolled in a clinical trial and received epidural electrical stimulation (EES) treatment. All patients immediately regained or improved their ability to walk during the treatment and showed improvements in mobility after five months of EES treatment and rehabilitation. To explore the underlying mechanism of this improvement, the authors developed a mouse model that replicates the key features of EES neurorehabilitation in humans. In addition, they established a single-cell map of gene expression in various neurons of the mouse spinal cord. Combining the model and the molecular map, the authors identified a specific type of excitatory neuron that plays an important role in restoration of walking after spinal cord injury but is not necessary for walking in individuals without spinal cord injury.
The findings bring us a step closer to understanding the mechanisms of EES rehabilitation. However, the authors note that other neurons in the brain and spinal cord contribute to the recovery of walking, and therefore further studies are needed.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05385-7
「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。