
今回、Scott Vrieze、Dajiang Liuたちは、4つの人種集団(アフリカ系、アメリカ系、東アジア系、ヨーロッパ系)の約340万人を含む60のコホートのゲノムワイド関連解析データをまとめ、解析を行った。研究コホートの20%以上がヨーロッパ系以外の人々によって構成されていた。今回の研究で、喫煙開始年齢や1週間に摂取するアルコール飲料の数などの喫煙行動や飲酒行動に関連する約4000の遺伝的バリアントが特定された。著者は、これらのバリアントの大部分が、異なる人種集団で一貫した影響を示すことを明らかにした。これに対して、ヨーロッパ人のデータを使ってトレーニングされた多遺伝子スコア(複数の遺伝的バリアントの集合的影響に基づいた遺伝的関連性の評価基準)は、ヨーロッパ系以外の人種集団に適用した場合の予測能力が、ヨーロッパ系の人種集団に適用した場合よりも低かった。この知見は、複数の人種集団に適用できる多遺伝子スコアを開発することが未解決の課題であることを示唆している。
Nearly 4,000 genetic associations for smoking and drinking behaviours have been identified in a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) involving almost 3.4 million individuals. The findings, published in Nature this week, shed more light on potential genetic influences on these complicated behaviours.
Smoking and drinking are major risk factors for various diseases and disorders. Although they can be affected by environmental factors such as cultural context and public health policies, there is strong evidence that genetics also contributes to tobacco and alcohol use. Previous GWASs, in which genetic data from many people are compared to identify potentially relevant genes, focused largely on individuals of European ancestry, whereas little is known about the genetic contribution to these behaviours in other populations.
Scott Vrieze, Dajiang Liu and colleagues assembled and analysed GWAS data from 60 cohorts containing almost 3.4 million individuals representing 4 ancestry groups (African, American, East Asian and European ancestries). More than 20% of the study cohort are from non-European ancestries. They identified nearly 4,000 genetic variants that are associated with smoking or drinking behaviours, including the age at which individuals started smoking and the number of alcoholic drinks consumed per week. The researchers found that the majority of these variants showed consistent effects across different ancestries. However, polygenic scores (a measure of genetic association based on the collective influence of multiple genetic variants), when trained on data from individuals with European ancestry, had reduced predictive performance in populations without European ancestry compared to those with European ancestry. This finding suggests that the transferability of such scores across ancestries remains challenging.
The findings improve our understanding of genetic factors associated with smoking and drinking behaviours and highlight the importance of increased sample size and diverse ancestry in such studies.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05477-4
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