
動物の脳の視床は、訓練された単純な運動を実行する際に中心的役割を果たすことが明らかになっている。これは、視床からの入力が、短い運動をつなぎ合わせて長い運動連鎖にするために必要であることによる。雄のキンカチョウ(Taeniopygia guttata)は、父親のさえずりをまねて、さえずりの練習をする。父親のさえずりは、2~7シラブルの連鎖であり、それぞれのシラブルは明確に異なっており、行動的に意味を持っている。しかし、これらの連鎖を生み出す運動指令の基盤となる機構は明らかになっていない。
今回、Michael Longたちは、さまざまな脳領域のニューロンが協調して、求愛歌の学習とさえずりが実行される仕組みを研究した。Longたちは、好みの雌を見つけて求愛歌を発しているキンカチョウの脳画像を調べて、脳活動のモニタリングを行った。また、Longたちは、キンカチョウの脳に埋め込んだ刺激電極を用いて、求愛歌の中の特定の瞬間に電流を流した。そして、nucleus uvaeformis(Uva)という視床内の小さな構造体を刺激する実験で、Uvaが別の脳領域(HVC)の神経細胞群と接続することが明らかになった。これらの神経細胞は、シラブルが始まる直前に非常に活発になる。
The zebra finch’s ability to transition between syllables in its courtship songs is driven by the influence of the thalamus region of the brain and a specific set of neurons in another region of the brain associated with birdsong, according to a paper in Nature. The findings highlight the role of the thalamus in controlling complex behaviour.
The thalamus has been shown to play a central role in generating simple trained movements in animals, as inputs from the thalamus are necessary to string short movements together into longer sequences. Male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) practice singing by copying their father’s song, which consists of a sequence of two to seven syllables, each distinct and behaviourally meaningful. However, the mechanisms underlying the motor commands that generate these sequences are unclear.
Michael Long and colleagues studied how neurons in different brain areas work together to learn and produce these courtship songs. The authors used brain imaging to monitor activity in finch brains while they performed their songs in response to seeing their preferred female partners. The authors also used a stimulation electrode implanted in the brain to administer an electrical current at specific moments during the song. Stimulation of a small structure in the thalamus known as nucleus uvaeformis (Uva) showed that this region connects with a set of nerve cells in the brain region called HVC. These nerve cells become very active just before the start of syllables.
These findings have implications for understanding how complex behaviours are generated from combinations of simpler movements; similar arrangements have also been suggested to coordinate human speech and breathing.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05818-x
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