
今回、Sébastien Guilletたちは、主にヨーロッパの僧侶や聖職者によって収集された12世紀から13世紀までの歴史記録を分析し、地球に入射する太陽放射量を減らす火山灰の「ベール」を観測できるようにした皆既月食を特定した。Guilletたちは、この文書証拠を使って、この火山灰のベールの色と光度をランク付けし、そこから成層圏のエアロゾル含有量を推定した。Guilletたちは、火山噴火から成層圏にエアロゾルが生成されるまでの期間に関する現在の理解と過去の年輪記録を合わせた上で、中世の火山噴火の時期を逆算して、気候効果を生み出すと考えられている成層圏に影響を及ぼした火山噴火と対流圏だけに影響を及ぼした火山噴火を分別した。この研究知見は、火山の噴火時期の推定を向上させ、エアロゾルが大気中に放出された場所を特定するために役立つ。Guilletたちは、今回の論文に示されたデータセットが、将来的に、こうした火山噴火が小氷期の開始において果たした役割を解明するための研究に役立つかもしれないと期待している。
Historical observations of lunar eclipses in the High Medieval Period (1100–1300 CE), many of which were recorded by European monks, may aid our understanding of volcanism in the period. The research, published in Nature, also offers insights into the effects of volcanic eruptions on the climate.
The dating of historical volcanic activity is necessary for understanding the climatic and social impacts of these events, but current methods, such as ice core dating, are subject to uncertainties. Such uncertainties have hindered the investigation of volcanism in the High Medieval Period, which is important as this activity may have played a role in the transition to the Little Ice Age. Historical recordings of lunar eclipses can aid the identification and dating of historical eruptions as the release of aerosols can affect the brightness of the moon.
Sébastien Guillet and colleagues analysed historical records — predominantly collected by European monks and clerics — from the 12th and 13th centuries, to identify total lunar eclipses that produced visible ‘veils’ of volcanic dust that can reduce incoming solar radiation. The researchers used this documentary evidence to rank the colour and brightness of the veils, from which they estimated stratospheric aerosol content. From modern understanding of the duration between eruption and stratospheric aerosols, combined with historical tree-ring records, the authors then reverse-engineered the timing of the Medieval eruptions and separated eruptions that affected the stratosphere — which would generate climate effects — from those limited to the troposphere. The findings help to improve estimates of the timings of volcanic eruptions and determine where in the atmosphere the aerosols were released. The authors hope that their dataset might help future studies to understand the roles of these eruptions in the start of the Little Ice Age.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05751-z
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