Research press release




グリーンランド氷床と南極氷床の多くの沿岸地域は、ここ数十年間に後退し、1990年代以降の世界の海面水位の上昇に毎年約0.7 mm寄与している。海上画像を用いると、海底の退氷領域上で観測される規則的な隆起(波状隆起)の間隔に基づいて、氷床の接地線(氷河や棚氷が浮き始める地点)の後退速度を定量化できる。しかし、マッピングされている波状隆起の既存例が海底の小さな領域に限られているため、今後の接地線の後退速度と海面水位の上昇速度がなかなか明らかにならない。

今回、Christine Batchelorたちは、最終退氷期における氷床接地線の後退速度を定量化するために、ノルウェー大陸棚中部の海底の退氷領域(約3万平方キロメートル)に形成された7600以上の波状隆起の間隔を測定した。Batchelorたちは、最終退氷期において、氷床底がほぼ平坦な地域で1日当たり55~610メートルの速度で接地線が急速に後退したことを示す証拠を発見した。こうした接地線の後退速度の数値は、以前に報告された人工衛星による観測に基づく数値や海洋地質学的記録から推測された数値よりも1桁高い。最も高い後退速度は、かつての氷床底の中で最も平坦な地域で測定され、こうした地域では、接地線で最大浮力に近づくと、ほぼ瞬間的に氷床が基盤から離れ、接地線が後退したことが示唆された。

The Eurasian Ice Sheet may have retreated by up to about 600 m per day across the Norwegian continental shelf during the last deglaciation, a Nature paper reports. The findings suggest that ice-sheet retreat rates in this region may have far exceeded previous estimates and highlight the vulnerability of flat-bedded areas of ice sheets to pulses of rapid retreat.

Many coastal regions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have retreated over recent decades, contributing to about 0.7 mm annually to global sea-level rise since the 1990s. Using ship-born imagery, rates of ice sheet grounding-line (the point at which glaciers and ice shelves start to float) retreat can be quantified from the spacing of regular ridge formations, known as corrugation ridges, on deglaciated regions of the seafloor. However, the few existing examples of mapped corrugation ridges are restricted to small areas of the seafloor, which has limited our understanding of future rates of grounding-line retreat and sea-level rise.

To quantify rates of ice-sheet grounding-line retreat during the last deglaciation, Christine Batchelor and colleagues measured the spacing of over 7,600 corrugation ridges across about 30,000 km2 of deglaciated regions of the seafloor of the mid-Norwegian shelf. They found evidence of rapid grounding-line retreat, at rates ranging from 55 to 610 m per day across nearly flat ice-sheet beds during the last deglaciation. These values are up to an order of magnitude higher than previously reported rates of grounding-line retreat derived from satellite measurements or inferred from marine-geological records. The highest retreat rates were measured across the flattest areas of the former seabed, suggesting that near-instantaneous ice-sheet ungrounding and retreat can occur where the grounding line approaches full buoyancy.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05876-1

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