
今回、Ronald E. Robertsonらは、人々がインターネットで閲覧するコンテンツの選択に対してGoogle検索結果が影響を及ぼすのかを調べるため、米国の二度の選挙期間中のパソコンでのネット閲覧に関するデータを分析する二波研究を実施した。2018年の選挙では262人と333人が研究に参加し、2020年の選挙では459人と688人が参加した。(なお、2018年の選挙では「強い党派性を持つ」参加者のオーバーサンプリングが行われた。)参加者には、特別仕様のインターネット閲覧ソフト拡張機能をインストールさせた。この拡張機能によって、二度の選挙期間中における(1)Google検索の結果ページでユーザーに提示されたURL、(2)検索結果のページに表示されたURLとのやり取り、(3)Google検索の結果に示されたURL以外のネット上のURLとのやり取りの3種類のデータが記録された。このデータセットには、32万8000ページを超えるGoogle検索結果と、それ以外の広範なネット閲覧による約4600万のURLが含まれている。情報源の党派性は、政治基盤間のより広範な情報共有パターンに基づいて採点され、参加者の自己申告による政治的傾向と比較された。
Engagement with partisan or unreliable news is driven by personal content choices, rather than the content presented by online web search algorithms, suggests a study published in Nature. Researchers found that the Google Search does not disproportionately display results that mirror the user’s own partisan beliefs, and that instead, such sources are sought actively by individuals.
It has been suggested that search engine algorithms may promote the consumption of like-minded content through politically biased search rankings, among other concerns. Such suggestions raise concerns about the cultivation of online ‘echo chambers’ or ‘filter bubbles’ that limit the user’s exposure to contrary opinions and further exacerbate existing biases.
To investigate whether search results influence what people choose to read, Ronald E. Robertson and colleagues conducted a two-wave study analysing computer browsing data during two US election cycles, with 262–333 participants in 2018 (with an over-sampling of ‘strong partisans’ in this period), and 459–688 in 2020. Participants were asked to install a custom-built browser extension that recorded three sets of data: the URLs presented to users on Google Search results pages, interactions with the URLs on those pages, and wider online URL interactions beyond the Google Search results in these two time periods. This dataset includes over 328,000 pages of Google Search results, and almost 46 million URLS from wider internet browsing. The partisanship of sources was scored on the basis of wider sharing patterns among political bases and compared to the self-reported political leanings of participants.
For both study waves, participants were found to engage with more partisan content overall than they were exposed to in their Google Search results. This suggests that the Google Search algorithm was not leading users to content that affirms their existing beliefs. Rather, the authors suggest that the formation of these ‘echo chambers’ could be driven by user choice, rather than algorithmic intervention. It was also found that unreliable news was less prevalent in the URLs derived from Google Searches, compared to both URLs followed from the Google Search and wider engagement, with the largest discrepancy being among strongly right-wing users.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06078-5
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