
敗血症は、感染症によって引き起こされる免疫反応の異常であり、世界的に見ても主要な死因のひとつである。抗菌薬感受性試験(AST;antimicrobial susceptibility testing)を用いて患者固有の治療法を開発することができるが、血液培養サンプルが必要なため、通常2–3日かかり、その間に医師は広域なスペクトラムの抗生物質を使用しなければならない。抗菌薬感受性検査の所要時間を短縮する方法を見つけることは、敗血症による死亡リスクを減少させ、不必要な抗生物質の使用を減らすために極めて重要である。
Sunghoon Kwonらは、全血検体を用い、培養の必要性を減らした超高速抗菌薬感受性試験法を発表した。合成ペプチドを用いて血液から直接広範囲の病原体を回収し、それを同定して薬剤感受性を検査する。著者らは、この手法により、既存の市販の方法と比較して、検査の所要時間を40–60時間以上短縮できる可能性を示している。著者らは、感染症が疑われる190人の入院患者を登録し、臨床の場でこの方法を検証した。その方法は、菌種同定において100%の一致率を達成した。陽性症例6例のレトロスペクティブ(遡及)解析では、最初の血液処理から検査の平均所要時間は約13時間であった。
Kim, T.H., Kang, J., Jang, H. et al. Blood culture-free ultra-rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Nature (2024).
A new method for identifying the pathogens involved in sepsis cases, which could help to select optimal therepeutics, is reported in Nature this week. The test has the potential to reduce the turnaround times normally associated with developing treatments for infections and may improve patient outcomes.
Sepsis, a dysregulated immune response brought on by an infection, is one of the leading causes of death, globally. Patient-specific treatment can be developed using antimicrobial susceptibility testing; however, this typically takes 2–3 days owing to the need for a blood culture sample, which requires physicians to use a broad-spectrum of antibiotics in the meantime. Finding ways to reduce the turnaround time associated with antimicrobial susceptibility testing is crucial to decreasing the risk of death from sepsis and reducing the unnecessary use of antibiotics.
Sunghoon Kwon and colleagues present an ultra-rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing method, which uses a sample of whole blood and reduces the need for culturing. A synthetic peptide is used to recover a broad range of pathogens directly from the blood, which are then identified and tested for drug susceptibility. The authors demonstrate that this approach has the potential to reduce the turnaround time of the test by more than 40–60 hours compared to existing commercial methods. The authors validated their method in a clinical setting, enrolling 190 hospitalized patients with suspected infections. Their method achieved a 100% match rate in species identification. In a retrospective analysis of six positive cases, the average turnaround time of the test was approximately 13 hours from initial blood processing.
The authors note that further clinical validation is needed within a diverse cohort to verify the findings. However, these results suggest this method has the potential to reduce both the time taken to tackle sepsis and the amount of unnecessary antibiotics used during broad-spectrum treatment.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07725-1
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