
性別適合ホルモン(gender-affirming hormone)療法を受けているトランスジェンダーの男性(出生時に女性として登録された)の免疫反応は、シスジェンダーの男性の免疫反応に近づくことを報告する論文が、今週発行のNatureに掲載される。23人のトランスジェンダー男性を対象としたこの分析では、免疫の調整における性ホルモンの役割を取り上げている。この発見は、性別適合ホルモン療法を受けている個人の健康だけでなく、シスジェンダー個人間の免疫反応の違いを理解する上でも重要な意味を持つ。
出生時に女性と割り当てられたトランスジェンダーの男性23人の免疫システムを、性別適合テストステロン治療の前後でプロファイリングしたところ、Petter Brodinらの研究チームは、性ホルモンが免疫反応に与える影響についての洞察を得た。被験者は治療開始直前にモニタリングされ、その後、12週間ごとにテストステロン注射を1回ずつ投与し、3か月後と12か月後に再度モニタリングされた。著者らは、治療開始から3か月以内に、免疫反応がシスジェンダーの男性の反応により近づく変化が観察されたと報告している。
Lakshmikanth, T., Consiglio, C., Sardh, F. et al. Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment. Nature 633, 155–164 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07789-z
Immune responses in trans men (assigned female at birth) during gender-affirming hormone therapy become more like those of cisgender male individuals, reports a study in Nature this week. The analysis, which involves 23 trans men, highlights the role of sex hormones in the regulation of immunity. The findings have implications for the health of individuals undergoing gender-affirming hormone therapy as well as for improving understanding of differences in immune responses between cisgender individuals.
Immune responses differ between male and female individuals, owing to genetic, hormonal and behavioural factors, but the relative importance of these factors remains to be determined. The immunological consequences of marked changes in hormone levels experienced during female-to-male gender-affirming testosterone therapy are also poorly understood. Studying the effect of gender-affirming hormone therapy on immune responses offers an opportunity to establish the roles of sex hormones on immunity and improve care of this historically excluded and underserved patient population.
By profiling the immune system of 23 trans men, assigned female at birth, before and during gender-affirming testosterone treatment, Petter Brodin and colleagues uncover insights about the contribution of sex hormones to immune responses. Individuals were monitored just before starting treatment, then again at 3 months and 12 months following testosterone injections, administered once every 12 weeks. The authors observed a shift in the immune response to more closely resemble the responses of cisgender male individuals within 3 months of starting treatment.
The authors note that the study is limited by sample size. However, they propose that the findings could help to improve the health and wellbeing of trans men and avoid long-term adverse outcomes such as severe infections and inflammatory disorders, which are typical of individuals assigned male at birth and of individuals receiving testosterone therapy for clinical reasons. In addition, the findings may also help to explain differences in immune responses between cisgender male and female individuals, as well as changes in immune responses regulated by changes in sex hormones as humans age, such as during the menopause.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07789-z
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