
Charles LynchとConor Listonは、うつ病の神経生物学的基盤を調査するために、重度のうつ病と診断された141人(平均年齢41歳)と健康な被験者37人を対象とした一次分析で、精密機能マッピングと呼ばれる技術を使用した。分析は、複数の既存の大規模データセットでも繰り返し行われた。著者らは、前頭線条体顕著性ネットワーク(frontostriatal salience network)として総称される脳領域のグループが、研究対象となったうつ病患者の大半において、対照群と比較してほぼ2倍に拡大していることを発見した。この拡大は、気分状態の変化の影響を受けず、長期間にわたって安定しており、思春期にうつ症状が現れる前の子供でも検出できることが分かった。後者は、前頭線条体顕著性ネットワークの拡大が、潜在的にうつ病リスクのバイオマーカーとして役立つ可能性を示唆している。ただし、著者らはこの関連性を確認するにはさらなる研究が必要であると指摘している。1.5年間にわたって最大62回スキャンした個人の長期分析により、うつ病の症状に関連する接続性の変化が特定された。
Lynch, C.J., Elbau, I.G., Ng, T. et al. Frontostriatal salience network expansion in individuals in depression. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07805-2
A brain network observed to be nearly two times larger in most sampled individuals with depression than in healthy counterparts is identified in a study published in Nature. The findings highlight new potential targets for future therapeutic interventions.
Despite decades of neuroimaging studies, only modest differences in brain structure and connectivity have been identified in people with depression, thereby limiting current understanding of the mechanisms or risk factors for the onset of the illness. In addition, a lack of long-term studies, accounting for the episodic nature of depression, have limited the investigation of the mechanisms underlying mood state transitions in depression.
To investigate the neurobiological underpinnings of depression, Charles Lynch, Conor Liston and colleagues used a technique called precision functional mapping in a primary analysis of 141 individuals (average age 41 years) with a diagnosis of major depression and 37 healthy controls. Analyses were replicated in multiple existing large datasets. The authors found that a group of brain regions, collectively known as the frontostriatal salience network, had expanded nearly two-fold in the brains of most individuals studied with depression, compared to controls. This expansion was found to be stable over time, unaffected by changes in mood state, and could be detected in children before the onset of depressive symptoms in adolescence. The latter suggests that expansion of the frontostriatal salience network may potentially serve as a biomarker for depression risk, although the authors note that further studies are needed to confirm this association. Longer-term analyses of individuals scanned up to 62 times over a period of 1.5 years identified connectivity changes associated with depression symptoms.
In summary, the findings reveal differences in network size, shape and spatial location that are associated with depression.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07805-2
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