Martijn Oeiらは、国際LOFAR(LOw Frequency ARray)望遠鏡からの電波画像を分析し、メガパーセクスケールのブラックホールのエネルギーの流れを研究した。この過程で、著者らはPorphyrion(ポルフィリオン)と名付けられた大きなジェットを特定した。望遠鏡のデータを最初に調べたところ、ジェットの長さの合計は少なくとも6.43メガパーセクであることが判明した。Oeiらは、ジェットがさらに宇宙空間に延びている可能性が高いと指摘しており、画像は平面であるため、ポルフィリオンの視線方向の長さを測定することが難しいと述べている。著者らは、数式を使ってこの影響を補正し、ポルフィリオンの全長を6.8– 7.3メガパーセクとした。
Oei, M.S.S.L., Hardcastle, M.J., Timmerman, R. et al. Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web. Nature 633, 537–541 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07879-y
A giant jet pair emanating from a black hole has been detected and is described in Nature. The jets, which have a combined length of approximately 7 megaparsecs or about 23 million light years, are the largest jets from a black hole reported to date.
Supermassive black holes can emit powerful jets of radiation and particles that, when sustained for millions of years, can impact the flow of matter through the intergalactic medium by shooting electrons, atomic nuclei, and magnetic fields through space. Previous observations of black hole jets suggested that their size could not exceed 5 megaparsecs, where 1 parsec is approximately 3.26 light years.
Martijn Oei and colleagues analysed radio images from the International LOFAR Telescope to study black hole energy flows on the megaparsec scale. Through this process, the researchers identified large jets, which they named Porphyrion. An initial examination of the telescope data revealed the jets’ combined length to be at least 6.43 megaparsecs. Oei and colleagues note that the jets likely extend further into space: since images are flat, Porphyrion's length component along the line of sight remains tricky to measure. The researchers corrected for this effect using mathematical formulae and arrived at a total length for Porphyrion of 6.8–7.3 megaparsecs.
The authors conclude that Porphyrion’s existence is evidence that jets from supermassive black holes can avoid being destroyed by fluid instabilities over vast cosmological distances. However, they note that understanding the mechanics that kept Porphyrion stable requires more research.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07879-y
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