Research press release





Andrea Di FrancescoおよびGary Churchillらの研究チームは、遺伝的に多様な960匹のメスマウスを対象に、カロリー制限と断続的絶食が健康と寿命に及ぼす影響を調査した。これらのマウスは、種を超えて一般化できる可能性がある幅広い生理的特性を持つ。マウスは無作為に5つのグループに分けられ、それぞれ以下の食事制限が課された。すなわち、無制限に餌を与えるグループ、週に1日絶食させるグループ、週に2日連続で絶食させるグループ、および餌の摂取量を基準値の20%または40%に制限するグループである。



Di Francesco, A., Deighan, A.G., Litichevskiy, L. et al. Dietary restriction impacts health and lifespan of genetically diverse mice. Nature (2024).

While dietary restriction could extend lifespan in mice, the effects on health are not always synonymous, according to a study published in Nature. The research indicates that genetics may have a larger role in determining lifespan than dietary interventions. The findings, based on investigations of nearly 1,000 genetically diverse mice, provide new insights into the complex relationship between dietary restriction and longevity.

Dietary restriction, including caloric restriction and intermittent fasting, holds great potential for improving health and longevity in humans. However, limited information is available regarding the differences in efficacy and safety among various dietary restriction approaches.

Andrea Di Francesco, Gary Churchill and colleagues investigated the effects of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting on the health and lifespan of 960 genetically diverse female mice, representing a wide range of physiological characteristics that may be generalizable across species. The mice were randomly assigned to one of five diets: unlimited access to food, fasting one day per week, fasting two consecutive days per week and caloric restriction at 20% or 40% of baseline food intake.

All dietary restrictions extended the lifespan of the mice, with responses proportional to the degree of restriction, but only caloric restriction significantly reduced ageing rate. Caloric restriction extended lifespan to the same extent in lighter and heavier mice, while intermittent fasting mice with high pre-intervention body weight showed no evidence of extended lifespan. Within the diet groups, one of the strongest predictors of lifespan is the ability to maintain body weight under experimental stress. Diet restriction was found to improve metabolic traits including fasting blood glucose in the mice, but the metabolic improvements were not directly associated with lifespan extension. Despite the multiple effects of dietary restriction, the authors found that genetic background has a larger influence on lifespan than dietary interventions.

The findings suggest that metabolic benefits induced by dietary restriction may not necessarily translate into longevity in mice. Further research is needed to explore whether intermittent fasting and caloric restriction would extend lifespan in humans.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08026-3

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