Research press release





Alexis Morvanらは、量子プロセッサーが複雑なコンピューティング出力の領域に到達する経路を調査している。著者らは、ランダム回路サンプリングと呼ばれる方法を使用して、超伝導量子ビット(量子コンピューターの構成要素)の2Dグリッドの忠実度をテストしている。ランダム回路サンプリングは、従来のスーパーコンピューターと比較した量子コンピューターの性能を評価するためのベンチマークである。これらの実験により、2つのフェーズ間の移行が明らかになった。2番目の、いわゆる「低ノイズフェーズ」では、量子コンピューターが従来の比較よりも優れた性能を発揮できるほど、計算が十分に複雑であることが証明された。さらに、67量子ビットのSycamoreチップで従来の性能を超える性能が実証された。


Morvan, A., Villalonga, B., Mi, X. et al. Phase transitions in random circuit sampling. Nature 634, 328–333 (2024).

The demonstration of a quantum processor capable of performing computational tasks that current supercomputers cannot replicate is published in Nature. The experiment is part of a deeper study into the potential for quantum processors to carry out complex computations despite interference from background noise (disturbances that can affect the accuracy of a quantum computer's calculations).

Quantum processors are sensitive to noise — environmental disturbances such as temperature, magnetic fields or even radiation from space — which has the potential to disrupt the performance of complex tasks that are unattainable by classical supercomputers. However, it has been challenging to probe exactly how noise affects the performance of quantum circuits.

Alexis Morvan and colleagues explore the route by which quantum processors enter the realm of complex computing outputs. They use a method called random circuit sampling to test the fidelity of a 2D grid of superconducting qubits (the building blocks of a quantum computer). Random circuit sampling is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of a quantum computer compared with a classical supercomputer. These experiments reveal a transition between two phases: in the second, so-called “low-noise phase”, the computation is proven to be sufficiently complex for the quantum computer to outperform classical comparisons. Furthermore, they demonstrate beyond-classical performance with a 67-qubit Sycamore chip.

The findings advance our understanding of quantum computing's capabilities.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07998-6

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