Research press release





Emily Geymanらは、従来の衛星画像よりも解像度の高い画像でアラスカのコユカック川(Koyukuk River)を研究できる新しい計算方法を用いて、コユカック川を分析した。その結果、永久凍土層が存在しない場合と比較して、永久凍土層がコユカック川の河岸浸食を47%減少させることが分かった。また、Geymanらは、永久凍土の融解が北極圏の河川の移動速度を30– 100%増加させる可能性があることも発見した。しかし、永久凍土の融解による植生の増加が河岸浸食を強化するのか、あるいは強化しないのかについては、まだ不明である。


Geyman, E.C., Douglas, M.M., Avouac, JP. et al. Permafrost slows Arctic riverbank erosion. Nature 634, 359–365 (2024).

Permafrost is found to slow down the rates of erosion in Arctic rivers, according to a study published in Nature. This finding may have implications for the infrastructure of the Arctic, including villages located near rivers, as well as for the rate at which carbon is transported by rivers.

The role of permafrost — ground that remains below freezing temperature for two or more consecutive years — in the erosion and migration of rivers remains unclear. Whether permafrost accelerates or slows riverbank erosion is a pressing issue as rising temperatures in the Arctic may begin to thaw the frozen ground.

Emily Geyman and colleagues analysed the Koyukuk River in Alaska using a novel computational method that allowed the researchers to study the river in a finer resolution than possible with traditional satellite imagery. They found that permafrost reduced the erosion of the Koyukuk River’s banks by 47%, compared with scenarios in which no permafrost was present. Geyman and colleagues also found that permafrost thaw may lead to a 30% to 100% increase in river migration rate in the Arctic. However, it remains uncertain how mechanisms such as increased vegetation in the wake of thawing permafrost may — or may not — strengthen riverbanks from erosion.

The authors note that 43% of Arctic villages are at least 1 km away from rivers; therefore, understanding how permafrost influences riverbank erosion is an important question. More specifically, migrating rivers pose an understudied hazard to Arctic infrastructure, ecology and water quality. Also, riverbank erosion in the Arctic could influence the rate at which carbon is transported by rivers. 

doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07978-w

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