
Gemma DipoppaおよびSaad Gulzarは、行政の対応が穀物の野焼きにどのような影響を与えるかを理解するために、北インド亜大陸の地区の行政境界線上で、約1,800万件の観測に相当する10年分の火災と風の衛星データを評価した。著者らはこれらのデータを、農作物火災に対する官僚の行動分析と組み合わせた。仮説としては、地元の官僚は、農作物火災による汚染が自分たちの地元地区に吹き付ける場合、つまり、責任を問われる可能性がある場合の方が、そうでない場合よりも行動を起こすインセンティブが高いというものである。全体として、風が隣接地区を汚染する方向から地元地区を汚染する方向に変わった後、農作物火災の件数は10-13%減少することが分かった。この効果は、官僚間の調整が存在しないインド・パキスタン国境では5倍に拡大することが観察されており、行動の有無がもたらす影響をさらに浮き彫りにしている。
Dipoppa, G., Gulzar, S. Bureaucrat incentives reduce crop burning and child mortality in South Asia. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08046-z
Bureaucrats in Pakistan and India are more likely to impose sanctions on crop residue burning when its negative effects are felt in their jurisdiction rather than across the border, a paper published in Nature suggests. The findings show that action varies according to the geographical consequences (both on the environment and public health) of the practice and offer insights on how better control may be implemented.
Air pollution presents a large threat to health globally, particularly in South Asia, where it is one of the largest public health emergencies on the planet. Crop residue burning accounts for around 40–60% of this pollution during winter harvest months. Despite being illegal, some farmers continue to use this cheap and fast method when preparing for their next crop.
To understand how bureaucratic action affects crop burning, Gemma Dipoppa and Saad Gulzar assess a decade of fire and wind satellite data, amounting to around 18 million observations, at the administrative borders of districts in the North Indian subcontinent. They combine these data with analysis of bureaucratic action on crop fires. The assumption is that local bureaucrats are more likely to be incentivized to act when wind blows pollution from crop fires to their home districts, where they may be held accountable, rather than away from it. Overall, the number of crop fires are found to decrease by 10–13% after wind switches from polluting a neighbouring district to the home district. This effect is observed to be five times larger at the India–Pakistan border, where bureaucratic coordination between the areas is absent, further highlighting the effect of action taken or withheld.
These findings indicate that bureaucratic action, when incentivized by the effect of crop burning in home districts, can influence burning patterns. The authors highlight the importance of bureaucrat action when considering the negative effects of crop fires on health, including increased child and infant mortality owing to exposure. They estimate that 1.8–2.7 deaths in 1,000 children could be prevented should action to reduce crop fires be taken.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08046-z
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