
Mariana Chuliverらは、パタゴニアの中生代ジュラ紀(約1億6,800万–1億6,100万年前)の地層から、保存状態の良いオタマジャクシ(Notobatrachus degiustoi)の化石を発見した。頭部、大部分の胴体、および尾の一部が確認でき、目、神経、および前肢も見られることから、このオタマジャクシは変態の最終段階にあったことが示唆される。これらの特徴から、濾過摂食システムなど、現在のオタマジャクシの主な特徴は、1億6,100万年前の初期のカエル類においてすでに進化していたことがわかる。体長は16センチ近くあり、このオタマジャクシも巨大であった。同じ場所では、これまでも多くの巨大なN. degiustoiカエルの成体が記録されている。巨大化はカエルの歴史の中で何度も進化してきたが、この研究は、巨大なオタマジャクシと巨大なカエルを両方持つ数少ない種のひとつであることを示している。
Chuliver, M., Agnolín, F.L., Scanferla, A. et al. The oldest tadpole reveals evolutionary stability of the anuran life cycle. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08055-y
A fossil tadpole from around 161 million years ago is the oldest known tadpole reported to date. The discovery, described in this week’s Nature, sheds light on the evolution of frogs and toads.
Frogs and toads belong to a group of tailless amphibians called the anurans. They have a characteristic two-stage life cycle, in which the aquatic tadpole larva metamorphoses into the adult form. Adult frogs are represented in the fossil record back to the Late Triassic (around 217–213 million years ago), but tadpoles are undocumented before the Cretaceous (around 145 million years ago).
Mariana Chuliver and colleagues describe a well-preserved fossil tadpole (Notobatrachus degiustoi) from the Middle Jurassic of Patagonia (around 168–161 million years ago). The head, most of the body and part of the tail are visible, as are the eyes, nerves and a forelimb, which suggests the tadpole was in the late stages of metamorphosis. Collectively, they show that key features of today’s tadpoles, such as their filter feeding system, had already evolved in early anurans around 161 million years ago. With an estimated length of almost 16 cm, the tadpole was also a giant. Many adult N. degiustoi frogs, also considered giants, have been previously documented at the same location. Gigantism has evolved multiple times in anuran history, but the study shows that this is one of the few species to have both giant tadpoles and giant frogs.
The discovery of this new specimen reveals that key features of the tadpole body plan were already present early in anuran evolution, indicating that a two-stage life cycle with a drastic metamorphosis was already present in anurans around 161 million years ago, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08055-y
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