Scientific Reports

読者は、人工知能(AI:Aritificial Intelligence)が生成した詩と人間が書いた詩を確実に区別することができず、AIの詩を好む傾向にあるという新しい研究を報告する論文が、Scientific Reports に掲載される。AIの詩を肯定的に評価するこの傾向は、人間が書いた詩の複雑さをAIが作り出した支離滅裂さだと読者が誤解し、生成AIがどれほど人間らしく見えるかを過小評価していることが原因であるかもしれない。
Brian PorterとEdouard Macheryは、1,634人の参加者がAIから生成された詩と人間による詩を区別できるかどうかをテストした。参加者は、ランダムな順番で10編の詩を提示された。5編は、ウィリアム・シェイクスピア(William Shakespeare)、バイロン卿(Lord Byron)、エミリー・ディキンソン(Emily Dickinson)、およびT.S.エリオット(T.S. Eliot)など、著名な詩人10名が書いた詩であり、残りの5編は、これらの詩人のスタイルでChatGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)3.5が生成した詩である。参加者は、AIが生成した詩を人間が書いたものと推測する傾向が強く、人間が書いたものではないと推測された5編の詩は、すべて本物の詩人によって書かれたものだった。
Porter, B., Machery, E. AI-generated poetry is indistinguishable from human-written poetry and is rated more favorably. Sci Rep 14, 26133 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-76900-1
Readers are unable to reliably differentiate AI-generated from human-written poetry and are more likely to prefer AI poems, according to new research published in Scientific Reports. This tendency to rate AI poetry positively may be due to readers mistaking the complexity of human-written verse for incoherence created by AI and an underestimation of how human-like generative AI can appear.
Brian Porter and Edouard Machery tested the ability of 1,634 participants to distinguish between AI-generated poetry and that written by a human poet. Participants were presented with ten poems in random order: five written by ten well-known poets — including William Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Emily Dickinson, and T.S. Eliot — and five poems generated by ChatGPT3.5 in the style of these poets. Participants were more likely to guess that the AI poems had been written by a human, and the five poems considered least likely to be human-produced were all written by genuine poets.
In a second experiment, a different group of 696 participants assessed the poems for 14 characteristics such as quality, beauty, emotion, rhythm, and originality. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups where they were told the poems were written by a human, produced by AI, or given no information about the poem’s origins. Participants who were told that the poems were AI-generated gave lower ratings across 13 characteristics compared to participants who were told the poems were human-written, regardless of whether the poems were actually AI-generated or human-written. Participants who were told nothing about authorship rated AI-generated poems more favourably than human-written ones.
The authors suggest that participants preferred AI poems due to them being more straightforward and accessible than the work of the prominent poets. Additionally, participants expect to prefer human-written poetry and as they find the AI-generated poetry easier to interpret and understand, they misinterpret this preference as an indication that the poem was written by a human.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-76900-1
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