糞便や嘔吐物の化石サンプルを使用し、恐竜が地球の古代生態系で優勢な生物へと進化する過程を再現したことを報告する論文が、今週のNature に掲載される。
Martin QvarnströmとGrzegorz Niedźwiedzkiらは、ポーランド盆地から発見されたブロマライトと呼ばれる、500以上の消化物(糞便や嘔吐物など)の化石を用いて食物網を再構築し、この移り変わりを調査した。ブロマライトは、後期三畳紀から前期ジュラ紀にまたがるものである。これらの化石(消化されなかった食物の内容物を明らかにするための内部構造の3D画像を含む)の分析結果は、気候や植物のデータとともに、既存の化石記録と比較され、この期間における脊椎動物のサイズと個体数の変化が推定された。
- Article
- Open access
- Published: 27 November 2024
Qvarnström, M., Vikberg Wernström, J., Wawrzyniak, Z. et al. Digestive contents and food webs record the advent of dinosaur supremacy. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08265-4
Fossilized samples of faeces and vomit have been used to reconstruct the rise of the dinosaurs to become the dominant players in Earth’s ancient ecosystems, as reported in a Nature paper this week.
Fossil records show that dinosaurs evolved during the middle part of the Triassic period (247 to 237 million years ago). However, the domination of dinosaurs in terrestrial ecosystems was not seen until approximately 30 million years later, early in the Jurassic period. Many non-dinosaur tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrates) were displaced during this time, but what caused dinosaurs to dominate the ecosystem has remained in question.
Martin Qvarnström, Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki and colleagues investigate this transition by reconstructing food webs using over 500 fossilized remains of digestive material (such as faeces or vomit), known as bromalites, from the Polish Basin, which span the Late Triassic to earliest Jurassic. Analyses of these remains (including 3D imaging of their internal structures to reveal undigested food contents) were compared to the existing fossil record, along with climate and plant data, to estimate the changes in size and abundance of vertebrates during this period.
These data indicate that non-dinosaur tetrapods were displaced by the omnivorous ancestors of early dinosaurs, who evolved to become the first carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs towards the end of the Triassic era. At this point, the authors suggest that environmental changes linked to increased volcanic activity may have led to a more diverse range of plants to feed on, followed by the emergence of larger and more diverse herbivore species. This, in turn, led to the evolution of larger carnivorous dinosaurs by the beginning of the Jurassic period, and completed the transition to dinosaur domination within the ecosystem.
This analysis sheds light on the emergence of dinosaur dominance within the ecosystem of the Polish Basin. Further research using this method could help to clarify this evolutionary history in other parts of the world.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08265-4
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