
Google Quantum AIの最新世代量子チップで、将来的な実用的な量子コンピューティングアプリケーションの実現に必要な臨界閾値以下のエラーを抑制する量子誤り(エラー)訂正が実証されたことを報告する論文が、今週のNature に掲載される。このデバイス性能は、スケールアップすれば、大規模な耐故障量子コンピューティングの運用要件を促進できるかもしれない。
Hartmut Nevenらは、Willowと呼ばれる超伝導量子処理チップの最新アーキテクチャーを発表した。これは、表面コードとして知られる特定の量子エラー訂正アプローチにおける臨界閾値以下の量子エラー訂正を可能にする。著者らのシステムは、エラーをリアルタイムでデコードしながら性能を維持し、数時間で最大100万サイクルを実行する。著者らは、72量子ビットプロセッサと105量子ビットプロセッサで表面コードを実行した。コード距離が3から5、7と増えるたびに、論理エラー率は半分になった。この論理エラーの指数関数的な抑制が、エラー訂正機能を備えた大規模な量子アルゴリズムを実行するための基盤となる、と著者らは結論づけている。
- Article
- Published: 09 December 2024
Google Quantum AI and Collaborators. Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08449-y
Quantum error correction that suppresses errors below a critical threshold that is understood as needed for achieving future practical quantum computing applications is demonstrated on the newest generation quantum chips from Google Quantum AI, reports a paper in Nature this week. The device performance, if scaled, could facilitate the operational requirements of large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computing.
Quantum computing has the potential to speed up computing and exceed the capabilities of classical computers at certain tasks. However, quantum computers are prone to errors, making current prototypes unable to run long enough to achieve practical outputs. The strategy devised by quantum computing researchers to address this relies on quantum error correction, where information is spread over many qubits (units of quantum information, similar to classical computer bits) allowing the identification and compensation of errors without damaging the computation. The overhead in qubits required by quantum error correction potentially introduces more errors than it corrects. As a result, achieving ‘below threshold’ operations has proven challenging, where the uncorrected error rate is below a critical value that is required for error correction to work as intended and exponentially suppress errors.
Hartmut Neven and colleagues present the newest generation of a superconducting quantum processing chip architecture, called Willow, which is capable of quantum error correction below the critical threshold for a particular quantum error correcting approach, known as surface code. Their system is operated for up to 1 million cycles over several hours while decoding errors in real time and maintaining its performance. The authors execute surface codes on a 72-qubit processor and a 105-qubit processor. Each time the code distance is increased from 3 to 5 to 7, the logical error rate is halved. This exponential suppression of logical errors forms the foundation for running large scale quantum algorithms with error correction, the authors conclude.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08449-y
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