
新たな手法を用いることで、鉄器時代からバイキング時代後期までの北ヨーロッパおよび中央ヨーロッパの遺伝的歴史の高解像度再構築を示す論文が、Nature に掲載される。この手法により、この地域の遺伝的歴史に関するさらなる洞察がもたらされる。
Leo SpeidelとPontus Skoglundらは、現在の方法よりも正確に時代を超えた遺伝的系譜を再構築できる手法「Twigstats」を開発した。著者らは、この手法をヨーロッパの1,556の古代ゲノムに適用し、紀元前500年から西暦1000年の間のヨーロッパの人口の歴史を推定した。分析の結果、西暦1000年までの前半期には、スカンジナビア系祖先の系統が西、中央、および東ヨーロッパの3地域に2つの流れで広がっていたことが明らかになった。しかし、後半期にはこの系統が地域的に消滅し、他の系統と大幅に混ざり合ったことが示唆された。また、著者らは、西暦800年までに、バイキング時代の個人の多くが中央ヨーロッパのグループからの遺伝的祖先を保有していたことを指摘しているが、これは初期の鉄器時代には観察されなかったことである。
- Article
- Open access
- Published: 01 January 2025
Speidel, L., Silva, M., Booth, T. et al. High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe. Nature 637, 118–126 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08275-2
High resolution reconstructions of the genetic history of northern and central Europe from the Iron Age through to the later Viking Age are demonstrated using a new method, presented in Nature. The method provides further insights into the genetic history of the region.
The analysis of ancient genomes allows us to reconstruct migration and expansion events from the recent past and explore how they have impacted present-day genetics. However, using genetics to trace history is challenging owing to the similarities between different ancestries, which makes them hard to distinguish with current methods. One example of this is northern and central Europe since the start of the Iron Age, around 500 BCE, where there are still many unresolved questions in relation to events such as the migrations during the third and fourth centuries CE and their impact on Mediterranean populations, and later patterns of mobility during the Viking Age (750–1050 CE).
Leo Speidel, Pontus Skoglund and colleagues developed Twigstats, a method that can reconstruct genetic ancestries across time periods more precisely than current methods. They applied this method to 1,556 ancient genomes from Europe to infer the population histories of the European populations between 500 BCE and 1000 CE. The analysis revealed that during the first half of the first millennium CE there was an expansion of Scandinavian-related ancestry into western, central and eastern Europe, in two streams. However, during the latter half of the millennium there appears to have been a regional disappearance of this ancestry and substantial mixing with other ancestries. The authors also note that by 800 CE a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried genetic ancestry from groups in central Europe, which was not observed during the early Iron Age.
The authors suggest that their methods can provide a higher resolution insight into the genetic history of different populations.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08275-2
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