Research press release



アカウミガメ(loggerhead turtle)は、ある地域の磁気の特徴を学習し記憶することができ、食べ物と関連付けた場所にいるときは「亀ダンス」を踊ることを報告する論文が、Nature に掲載される。この研究では、移動性動物種が地球の磁場を利用してどのようにして移動するのか、そのメカニズムが紹介されている。


ウミガメが地理的な地域の磁気シグネチャーを学習できるかどうかを確かめるため、Kayla Goforthらは、特定の地理的位置に関連する磁気シグネチャーを再現した水槽に子ガメを収容した。幼体は、2つの磁場に同じ時間だけ滞在したが、餌を与えられたのはそのうちの1つのみであった。餌場に近づくと、ウミガメは期待に胸を躍らせて踊り始める。この発見は、ウミガメが磁場の違いを学習し、内部に「磁気地図」を作り出すことができるという強い証拠を示している。著者らは、この感覚はウミガメの磁気「コンパス」とは別のメカニズムに依存していることを発見し、ウミガメにはナビゲーションを容易にする2つの異なる地磁気感覚があることを示唆している。


  • Article
  • Published: 12 February 2025

Goforth, K.M., Lohmann, C.M.F., Gavin, A. et al. Learned magnetic map cues and two mechanisms of magnetoreception in turtles. Nature (2025).

The loggerhead turtle can learn and remember the magnetic signature of an area and does a ‘turtle dance’ when in a location that they associate with food, a study in Nature reports. The research presents mechanisms of how migratory species navigate using the magnetic field of the Earth.

Sea turtles are renowned for their long-distance migrations and often return to feeding sites, even after seasonal journeys and displacements. Precisely how such species navigate remains undetermined, but growing evidence suggests the animals use the magnetic field of the Earth as a map and compass.

To determine whether turtles can learn the magnetic signatures of geographical areas, Kayla Goforth and colleagues housed juvenile sea turtles in tanks in which magnetic signatures related to specific geographical locations were recreated. The juveniles spent an equal amount of time in two magnetic fields but were fed in only one of them. When in the area associated with feeding, the turtles start to dance in anticipation. This finding presents strong evidence that turtles can learn to distinguish between magnetic fields, creating an internal ‘magnetic map’. The authors discovered this sense relied on a separate mechanism to the magnetic ‘compass’ of the turtle, implying that turtles have two distinct geomagnetic senses to facilitate navigation.

The findings suggest that migratory species such as loggerhead turtles use the geomagnetic field as a map when navigating large distances. The authors suggest the two distinct tools of magnetoreception could also be present in most vertebrate species, but more research is needed to determine the inner workings of these mechanisms.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08554-y

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