磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)は、空間分解能に優れ、画像中の個々の特徴を峻別できるため、医療の分野で貴重な診断ツールになっている。ガンマ線検出器は高感度で、対象とする具体的な標的の目印として用いられる放射性トレーサーを微量で検出できる。今回の研究でGordon Cates、Wilson Millerたちは、磁気共鳴法を用いた新しい手法によって空間情報を集め、ガンマ線検出によって画像情報を集めた。そして、この研究チームは、ガラスセルに入った放射性原子を画像化することでこの技術の実現可能性を実証し、従来のMRIで画像化する場合には数十億個の原子がさらに必要なことを指摘している。
A new imaging and spectroscopy technique that combines the best features of magnetic resonance and gamma-ray imaging is demonstrated in this week’s Nature. Although some features, such as the processing speed, need improvements, the approach may form a basis for developing a new class of medical diagnostic tools.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable diagnostic tool in the field of medicine, owing to its excellent spatial resolution - that is, the ability to distinguish individual features in an image. Gamma-ray detectors are highly sensitive and can be used to detect tiny quantities of radioactive tracers that can pinpoint specific targets of interest. Gordon Cates, Wilson Miller and colleagues devise a new technique that uses magnetic resonance to gather spatial information and collects image information by the detection of gamma-rays. They demonstrate the feasibility of this technique by imaging radioactive atoms in a glass cell and note that conventional MRI would require billions more atoms to generate an image.
It took around 60 hours to acquire data for the example image, which is not ideal for clinical applications. However, the authors suggest that increasing the size of the detectors or the amount of radioactive tracer could help to overcome these issues, and propose that their technique could be useful for the study of both biological and non-biological systems.
doi: 10.1038/nature19775
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