Will Grundyたちは、ニューホライズンズが得たデータによって、カロンの北極周辺の条件でメタンガスが捕獲され化学的に変化する可能性があるかどうかを確定することができた。太陽を巡る冥王星とカロンの既知の軌道を用いた表面環境のモデルは、カロンの北極は極めて低い温度が長期間続いており、冥王星の大気から逃れたメタンを捕獲するのに十分寒かったことを示している。こうした長く寒い冬は100年以上続いていた。さらにこのモデルは、冬の極に太陽光が再び当たるようになると、赤色の化学物質へのメタン生成物の変換が生じるようになることも示唆している。
A dark red northern polar cap on Pluto’s largest moon Charon may be caused by trapped gas, according to research published in Nature this week. Analyses of images from the New Horizon mission and modelling of the evolution of the ice cap help to explain how this polar feature was formed. Previous speculation suggested that methane from Pluto’s atmosphere is trapped in Charon’s north pole and is slowly converted into red material, but there has been no modelling to support this speculation.
Data from the New Horizon mission enable Will Grundy and colleagues to determine whether the conditions around Charon’s north pole could allow the capture and processing of methane gas. Models of the surface environment using Pluto and Charon’s known orbit around the Sun demonstrate that Charon’s north pole has experienced long periods of continuous extremely low temperatures, cold enough to trap methane that has escaped from Pluto’s atmosphere. These long, cold winters last for more than 100 years. The models also suggest that the re-emergence of the winter pole into sunlight triggers the conversion of methane products into red-coloured chemicals.
doi: 10.1038/nature19340
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