
Sophie Sanchezたちは、非破壊的な方法である伝搬位相差シンクロトロン・マイクロトモグラフィー を利用して、グリーンランド東部Stensio BjergのBritta Dal累層から採集したAcanthostega標本の4点の上腕骨を可視化して示している。かつて200点を超える骨格要素が出土したこの化石産地は、おそらくは洪水事象に続く干ばつの結果としてまとまって死んだ20個体以上からなっている。研究チームは、骨の成長パターンの詳細(成長の遅延を示す骨のパターンなど)を利用することにより、遺骸群集中の個体は、最大のものまで全て、死んだ時点では幼生であったことを明らかにした。さらに、Acanthostegaの肢の骨の成長開始が遅かったことは、その幼生が完全に水生であったことを示唆している。
今回の骨の分析結果に基づき、研究チームは、Acanthostegaが長い水生の幼生期を有していたこと、および少なくとも一時的には、幼生が成体をほとんどあるいは全く伴わない群れを形成していたことを示唆している。New information about the elusive life history of early tetrapods - the earliest four-limbed vertebrates - is presented in a study published online in Nature this week. The authors re-examine in detail a group of tetrapod fossils (genus Acanthostega) from present-day Greenland and show that the specimens, which are about 365 million years old, were all juveniles at the time of death and had an aquatic lifestyle.
The transition from fish to tetrapods is one of the major events in the evolutionary history of vertebrates. However, many aspects of the life history and behaviour of the earliest tetrapods, such as Acanthostega, have long remained unknown, partly because early tetrapod fossils are rare and often fragmentary.
Sophie Sanchez and colleagues use a non-destructive technique - propagation phase contrast synchrotron microtomography - to visualize and describe four upper arm bones (humeri) of Acanthostega specimens collected from the Britta Dal Formation on Stensio Bjerg, East Greenland. This locality, which has previously yielded more than 200 skeletal elements, comprises at least 20 animals that died together, probably as a result of a drought following a flooding event. The authors use details of growth pattern in the bones (such as bone patterns that indicate arrested growth) to show that all individuals in the assemblage - even the largest - were juveniles at the time of death. Furthermore, the late onset of bone growth in the limbs of Acanthostega suggests that these juveniles were exclusively aquatic.
Based on these bone analyses, the authors suggest that Acanthostega had a long, aquatic juvenile stage and that, at least at times, the juveniles formed schools with few or no adults.
doi: 10.1038/nature19354
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