
今回、Karl Deisserothたちは、ラットを用いて、人間の行動と同じようにリスクを愛好するモデルを開発し、側坐核内のD2Rを発現する細胞がリスク選好の要因になっていることを明らかにした。Deisserothたちの実験では、ラットに「安全」レバーと「高リスク」レバーを示して、どちらかを選べるようにした。安全レバーを押すと、常に少量のショ糖が報酬として得られ、高リスクレバーを押すと、大きな報酬が得られる時(好ましい結果)と何も得られない時(好ましくない結果)があった。この時、D2Rを発現する細胞は、意思決定期の適切な時期において、過去の選択によって好ましくない結果が生じたことを示すシグナルを伝達した。このシグナルは、リスク愛好型ラットよりリスク回避型ラットで強く、ラットがその後の実験で安全レバーと高リスクレバーのいずれを選ぶのかをこのシグナルによって予測できた。また、意思決定期にD2Rニューロンを光遺伝学的に刺激した(光を介して刺激した)ところ、リスク愛好型ラットの高リスクレバーの選択回数が減ったが、リスク回避型ラットには何の変化も見られなかった。
A specific population of brain cells involved in risky decision-making is identified in a study in rats published online this week in Nature. Modulating the activity of these cells can convert risk-seeking rats into risk-avoiding animals, the paper shows.
Risk-preference varies across individuals and within an individual from time to time, but the source of this variability in the brain is not known. Dopamine receptor type-2 (D2R)-expressing cells may have a role in regulating risky decisions, as studies have shown that problem gambling increases in patients with Parkinson’s disease who take medications that target these receptors.
Karl Deisseroth and colleagues developed a model of risk-seeking in rats that parallels human behaviour and showed that D2R-expressing cells within the nucleus accumbens drive risk-preference. When rats were presented with a choice between a ‘safe’ lever that consistently delivers a small amount of sucrose reward or a ‘risky’ lever that inconsistently delivers either a large reward (the more favourable outcome) or nothing (the less favourable outcome), the D2R-expressing cells signalled the less favourable outcome of a previous choice at an appropriate time during the decision period. This signal was higher in risk-averse animals than in risk-seeking animals and predicted whether, on the subsequent trial, a rat would choose the safe or risky option. The authors also showed that optogenetic (light-mediated) stimulation of the D2R neurons during the decision period decreased risky choices in risk-seeking rats, but not in rats that were already risk-averse.
Future research may explore whether distinct subpopulations of D2R-expressing nucleus accumbens cells encode even more specific components of risky decision-making.
doi: 10.1038/nature17400
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