今回、Simon Gachterたちは、現在利用可能な政治的不正、脱税、腐敗に関する2003年の人口統計データと経済データを用いて、159か国の「規則違反の蔓延(prevalence of rule violations)」指数(PRV)を構築した。今回の研究では、23か国(ベトナム、モロッコ、中国、英国、スペイン、スウェーデン、イタリア、チェコ共和国を含む)の2,568人の若者(平均年齢21.7歳)が参加して、サイコロを振って報酬が得られる行動実験が行われた。これらの参加者は、PRVによって測定される社会的背景が幅広く対象になるように選ばれた。その結果、規則違反の蔓延と本来備わっている正直さとの間に強固な結びつきのあることが判明し、PRV値の高い国(違反行為が多い)よりもPRV値の低い国(違反行為が少ない)の方が個人の正直さが強いことが分かった。
Society exerts a strong influence on the honesty of individuals, suggests a study published in Nature this week. Individual honesty tends to be greater in societies with low degrees of corruption, tax evasion and political fraud, and vice versa, finds the study.
Simon Gachter and colleagues constructed a ‘prevalence of rule violations’ index (PRV) for 159 countries using available demographic and economic data from 2003 on political fraud, tax evasion and corruption. They conducted die-rolling, reward-based behavioural experiments with 2,568 young people (21.7 years old on average) from 23 countries - including Viet Nam, Morocco, China, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Italy and the Czech Republic - encompassing a wide range of societal backgrounds as measured by the PRV. They find a robust link between the prevalence of rule violations and intrinsic honesty: individual honesty is stronger in participants of low national PRV values (low degree of rule breaking) than in those of high PRV values (high degree of rule breaking).
These results are consistent with norms of honesty and rule following being culturally transmitted across generations and with the idea that norms and institutions co-evolve. The authors conclude that weak institutions and cultural legacies may have adverse economic consequences on societies, and also impair the honesty of individuals, which is important for the smooth functioning of society.
doi: 10.1038/nature17160
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