Research press release




アマゾン川流域でのダム建設による環境影響評価の大半は、それぞれのダムの周辺地域における局所的な規模の影響だけに着目している。今回、Edgardo Latrubesseたちの研究グループは、アマゾン盆地全体で既に建設されたダムの実際の環境影響と計画中のダムの環境影響予測を定量化するための新しいツールを考案した。Latrubesseたちの分析では、稼働中と計画中のダムの数に応じて環境影響に地域差が見られることが明確になり、水系が土砂流の変化に対してどれほど脆弱なのかを調べた。例えば、アマゾン川の主要な支流であるタパジョス川の流域は、計画中のダムが90件、建設済みのダムが28件と多いため、極めて大きな水文学的影響が生じるという予測が示された。タパジョス川の流域には、既存のダムと計画中のダムによって脅威にさらされると考えられているユニークな魚類種と鳥類種が生息している。

Dams in the Amazon basin have profound adverse environmental impacts on the region’s river system, and the further construction of planned dams is likely to increase the scale and complexity of these effects. This assessment is presented in a Perspective article published in Nature this week. The work raises the question of whether the potential green benefits of hydropower generation through the construction of dams outweigh the costs of the enormous anticipated damage to the most diverse and productive river system in the world.

Most assessments of the environmental impacts of damming Amazonian rivers have focused on local-scale effects within the vicinity of each dam. Edgardo Latrubesse and colleagues devise a new tool for quantifying the current and expected environmental consequences of built and proposed dams in the whole of the Amazon basin. Their analysis highlights how impacts vary by region, according to the number of current and future dams, and explores the vulnerability of the system to changes in sediment flow. For example, the Tapajos region is forecast to suffer huge hydrological impacts, owing to the large number of dams planned (90) and constructed (28) along this major tributary. Research indicates that the Tapajos river is home to unique fish and bird species that are considered to be threatened by existing and planned dams.

doi: 10.1038/nature22333

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