Research press release




全世界の森林で現在も続いている分断化は、生物多様性に対して(森林中心部における生息地の減少による)直接的な影響と(林縁部の創出による)間接的な影響を及ぼしている。現在、全世界の森林の約半分が林縁から500メートル以内に位置している。今回、Marion Pfeiferたちの研究グループは、全世界の哺乳類と鳥類、爬虫類、両生類(合計1673種)の個体数に対する人為起源の森林分断化の影響を評価し、脊椎動物種全体の85%が林縁の影響を受けていることを明らかにした。この結果からは、林縁付近で生息し続ける動物群集が森林中心部に生息する動物群集とほとんど似ておらず、全世界の森林の半分において脊椎動物群集が破壊されていることが判明した。特に、鳥類の11%、爬虫類の30%、両生類の41%、哺乳類の57%の個体数は、林縁の近くで大きく減っていることも明らかになった。


Human-induced forest fragmentation is having a global impact on the abundance of vertebrate species that live in forest edges, reveals a paper published online in Nature this week. The findings may have policy implications and may help researchers to predict how biodiversity is likely to change in response to large-scale forest loss and fragmentation.

The ongoing fragmentation of the world’s forests is affecting biodiversity both directly, through the loss of core forest habitat, and indirectly, through the creation of edge areas. Today, approximately half of the world’s forest lies within 500 metres of a forest edge. Marion Pfeifer and colleagues assessed the impact of human-induced forest fragmentation on the abundance of 1,673 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians around the globe, and found that 85% of all vertebrate species are affected by forest edges. As a result, the community of animals that persists near edges bears little resemblance to that found in the forest core, and half of the world’s forests now house disrupted vertebrate populations. In particular, the researchers find that 11%, 30%, 41% and 57% of bird, reptilian, amphibian and mammalian species, respectively, show strong declines in abundance towards forest edges.

The authors use a new method, which accounts for the continuous changes in habitat quality across fragmented landscapes. This makes their analysis markedly different from previous global analyses of biodiversity responses to land-use changes, which did not incorporate these gradations of change.

doi: 10.1038/nature24457

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