Research press release





今回、Stephen Nowickiたちの研究グループは、雌のキンカチョウを対象として、食物報酬プロトコルを用いて、オレンジ色から赤色の色スペクトルにわたる8つの刺激をカテゴリー化し、判別する試験を実施した。Nowickiたちは、紙製の円板を作り、単色で塗りつぶしたものと半分ずつ別の色で塗りつぶしたものを作製した。雌のキンカチョウは、1色塗りの円板と2色塗りの円板を混在させておいたところで、最初に2色塗りの円板だけをひっくり返すように訓練し、色の組み合わせとは関係なく、1色塗りと2色塗りを認知できるようにした。実験結果から、雌のキンカチョウは1つの色カテゴリー内の異なるものを同一のものとは知覚しないが、判別能力はカテゴリーの境界を越えたもので最も急激に上昇することが示唆された。また、Nowickiたちは、このカテゴリー化は、色刺激の輝度だけでは説明できないこと、これらのカテゴリーが鳥類の光受容器の感度の結果として生じた可能性は非常に低いことを明らかにしている。

Female zebra finches perceive male beak colours in just two discrete colour categories, red and orange, according to a study published online in Nature this week. The findings may represent the first known demonstration of categorical colour perception in a bird, adding to our understanding of avian colour perception and signal evolution more generally.

Categorical perception is a mechanism by which a receiver’s perceptual system processes continuously varying stimuli into discrete categories, discriminating between variants on different sides of a perceptual boundary but not between those within the same category. In male zebra finches, beak colours range from light orange to dark red. Females show a mating preference for males with red versus orange beaks, and beak redness is positively correlated with variation in cell-mediated immunity. It has remained uncertain, however, whether females perceive this variation continuously or exhibit categorical perception.

Stephen Nowicki and colleagues used a food-reward protocol to test for categorization and discrimination of eight stimuli spanning the orange-red colour spectrum in female zebra finches. The authors created paper discs comprising either a single, solid colour or two halves, each containing a different colour. Female birds were trained to flip bicolour discs first before any solid discs, and they learned to recognize bicolour versus solid discs rather than particular colour combinations. The findings suggest that although birds did not perceive variants within a colour category as identical, discrimination increased most sharply across a category boundary. The authors also show that this categorization could not be explained by stimulus brightness alone, and that the categories probably did not arise as a result of avian photoreceptor sensitivity.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0377-7

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