Research press release





これら2編の論文の著者は、CRISPR-Cas9技術を用いて、出芽酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)のゲノムを編集して新しい酵母株を作製し、その都度、染色体の数を徐々に減らしていった。Zhongjun Qinたちの研究グループは、全ての遺伝情報が1本の染色体に統合された新しい酵母株を作製し、Jef Boekeたちの研究グループは、独自に2本の染色体を有する酵母株を作製した。v

融合が起こると染色体の3次元構造が大きく変化するが、これらの新しい酵母株は、わずかな数の非必須遺伝子の欠失を除けば、正常なS. cerevisiaeと同じ遺伝物質を含んでいる。これらの修飾された酵母細胞は、予想外にロバストで、さまざまな条件下で培養しても重大な増殖異常は起こらなかった。しかし、融合した染色体を持つ酵母株は、適応度がわずかに損なわれており、有性生殖に欠陥があるため、修飾されていない酵母株との競争ですぐに敗れる可能性がある。以上の研究知見は、染色体の数が多いことの利点を説明する第1歩になるかもしれない。

New yeast strains have been created that have only 1 or 2 chromosomes - rather than the customary 16 - reports a pair of papers published online this week in Nature.

The genomes of eukaryotes are split into chromosomes, the number of which varies between species. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs, for example, whereas our ape cousins have 24 - and the male jack jumper ant has only one. These differences probably result from accidental fusions or genome duplication events, but it has been unclear what advantages multiple chromosomes might confer, and how tolerant species can be to variations in the total number.

The authors of both papers used the CRISPR-Cas9 technique to edit the genome of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, generating series of yeast strains with progressively fewer chromosomes. Zhongjun Qin and colleagues created a strain with all the genetic information fused into a single chromosome, while Jef Boeke and colleagues independently produced a strain with two chromosomes.

Although fusion considerably alters three-dimensional chromosomal structure, the new strains contain genetic materials that - other than the deletion of a few non-essential genes - are identical to normal S. cerevisiae. The modified yeast cells proved unexpectedly robust, with no major growth defects when cultivated under varied conditions. The fused-chromosome strains, however, did exhibit small fitness limitations and defects in sexual reproduction, such that they could be quickly out-competed by their unmodified counterparts. These findings may begin to explain the advantages of having more chromosomes.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0374-x

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