Research press release





今回、中山尚美、Ignazio Maria Violaたちの研究グループは、垂直風洞を構築し、タンポポの種子を自由に飛行させた場合と固定した場合の種子の周囲の空気の流れを可視化した。長時間露光での写真撮影と高速撮像を行ったところ、安定した気泡(渦輪)が種子本体から離れた所に生じ、冠毛の下流に一定の距離を保って存続することが判明した。また、著者たちは、タンポポの冠毛の空隙率が渦を安定させるように精密に調整されていると考えられること、そして、タンポポの冠毛によって生じる単位面積当たりの空気抵抗が、平たく丸い固体の物体の場合の4倍以上になっていることを発見した。このことから著者たちは、軽量の種子を散布させる上で、綿毛状の種子は、翼果よりもはるかに効率が良いと主張している。

Insights into the flight of dandelion seeds are revealed in a paper published in Nature this week. By investigating the physics underlying the flight of the dandelion, the authors report the discovery of a new class of fluid behaviour around fluid-immersed bodies.

Dandelions use a bundle of bristly filaments, called a pappus, to help keep their seeds aloft for dispersal. The pappus prolongs the descent of the seed, so that it may be carried farther by horizontal winds, and may also serve to orientate the seed as it falls. However, it is not clear why plumed seeds, such as the dandelion, have a bristly pappus rather than a wing-like membrane, which is known to enhance lift in some other species (for example, maples).

Naomi Nakayama, Ignazio Maria Viola, and colleagues constructed a vertical wind tunnel to visualize the flow around freely flying and fixed dandelion seeds. Using long-exposure photography and high-speed imaging, the authors discovered a stable air bubble - called a vortex ring - that is detached from the seed body, yet steadily remains a fixed distance downstream of the pappus. They found that the porosity of the dandelion’s pappus appears to be tuned precisely to stabilize the vortex, and that the pappus delivers more than four times more drag per unit area compared with a solid disk. The authors argue that this makes the plumed design far more efficient than a wing-like membrane for the dispersal of lightweight seeds.

doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0604-2

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